
gōng lì
  • public;established and maintained by the government;be established and maintained by the government
公立 [gōng lì]
  • [be established and main tained by the government] 由政府设立和维持

  • 公立医院

公立[gōng lì]
  1. 英格丽德目前在希姆拉公立学校教数学。

    Ingrid is currently teaching Mathematics at Shimla Public School

  2. 在证明公立学校好坏方面,行政部门不存在既得利益。

    The administration has no vested interest in proving whether public schools were good or bad .

  3. 相对于其他公立学校,受中央政府资助的学校能获得更多的财政拨款。

    GM schools receive better funding than other state schools .

  4. 现在有一种推翻公立学校校长权威性的趋势。

    There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches .

  5. 大多数成年人都认为公立学校经费不足。

    Most adults believe state schools are underfunded .

  6. 公立学校的主要问题是教师的薪资太低。

    The state schools ' main problem is that teachers ' pay is so bad

  7. 这些家庭可以把这笔钱当作捐款,用于支付送孩子们上公立学校的费用。

    Families could use the money as a contribution towards the cost of sending their children to a public school .

  8. 公立小学人学人数下降了10%。

    Intake in state primary schools is down by10 % .

  9. 针对年幼孩子的公共政策,包括公立学前教育项目和读书活动,是有帮助的。

    Public policies aimed at young children have helped , including public preschool programs and reading initiatives .

  10. 他们没有完全放弃高等教育,而是选择了社区学院或低入学门槛的公立学校。

    Instead of skipping out on higher education altogether , they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance .

  11. 我快速跳过公立学校和南方学校,认为它们的课程必然落后于东北或西部的学校。

    I quickly passed over state schools and southern schools , believing their curriculum to be automatically inferior to northeastern or western counterparts .

  12. 鲁宾诺夫说:"为这一小部分人提供这些机会的不只有精选的精英院校。"他补充说,大多数第一代本科生倾向于选择在线课程、两年制大学和通勤公立学校。

    " It 's not only the selective and elite institutions that provide those opportunities for a small subset of this population , " Rubinoff said , adding that a majority of first-generation undergraduates tend toward options such as online programs , two-year colleges , and commuter state schools .

  13. 距离普林斯顿10分钟,离纽约市一个半小时车程的西温莎·普莱斯恩斯伯勒学区已经成为科技型创业者、研究者和工程师青睐的居住社区,很多人很大程度上是受公立学校的吸引而来。

    About 10 minutes from Princeton and an hour and a half from New York City , West Windsor and Plainsboro have become popular bedroom communities for technology entrepreneurs , researchers and engineers , drawn in large part by the public schools .

  14. 尽管如此,我还是在公立学校熬过了余下的学习时光。

    Still , I suffered the rest of my school days in public schools .

  15. 一个是公立学校,在那里父母不用付钱。

    One is the state school where parents do not pay money .

  16. 纽约市的公立学校共有一百多万名学生,使用着176种不同的语言。

    In New York City public schools , 176 different languages are spoken among more than one million students .

  17. 大多数孩子上的是公立学院。

    Most children go to public school .

  18. 命令解除公立学校中的种族隔离

    Mandated desegregation of public schools .

  19. x省Y市是17个国家联系指导的公立医院改革试点城市之一。

    Y city is one of the seventeen cities which confirmed by country as pilot reform cities guided by government .

  20. ThomasJefferson高中是费尔法克斯县的公立学校之一,但是服务于更广阔的领域。

    Thomas Jefferson is part of the Fairfax County Public Schools but serves a wider area .

  21. 华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的梅洛迪•莫里诺夫(MelodyMolinoff)有两个儿子,分别是9岁和11岁,都在公立学校上学,她同意施瓦茨的观点。

    Melody Molinoff of Washington , D.C. , who has two sons , ages 9 and 11 , in the public school system , agreed .

  22. 随着我国加入WTO和医药卫生体制改革的深化,合资医院和私营医疗在反应性方面很有可能优于公立医疗机构。

    After our country join in the WTO , and with the reform of the medicine hygiene system , the joint venture hospital and the privately owned medical treatment will better than the public medical treatment organization in responsiveness .

  23. 他9月份时献上了自己的头一份慈善大礼,在《奥普拉脱口秀》(TheOprahWinfreyShow)中承诺向纽瓦克的公立学校捐赠至多1亿美元。

    In September , he made his first major charitable gift , promising on ' The Oprah Winfrey Show ' to give up to $ 100 million to public schools in Newark .

  24. 与许多公立学校不一样的是IllianaChristian学校不要求学生公共服务时间。

    Unlike many public high schools across the nation , Illiana Christian does not require its students to clock public service hours .

  25. ACU国立是澳大利亚天主教大学,一所公立大学由澳大利亚政府和开放给学生和工作人员的所有信仰。

    ACU National is the Australian Catholic University , a public university funded by the Australian Government and open to students and staff of all beliefs .

  26. 我国公立高校存在着生产效率、资源配置效率、X效率等三种组织效率损失,而我国公立高校产权的模糊性、残缺性、行政化又导致产权失灵。

    The organizational efficiency losses of the public higher education institutions in China consist of production efficiency loss , resources allocation efficiency loss , and X efficiency loss . They are highly related to the failure of property rights arising from its unclear , fragmentary , administrative institutional forms .

  27. 方法利用澳大利亚诊断相关组系统(AR-DRGs)的分组原理,对北京市8家三级综合公立医院2003-2005年出院病例首页数据进行分组。

    Methods The inpatients ' records from eight third-tier general public hospitals in Beijing during 2003-2005 were classified according to the principle of Australia Refined Diagnosis Related Groups ( AR-DRGs ) .

  28. 然后,使用因子分析的方法对模型进行了实证分析,得出了基于SCOR的公立医院供应链风险识别模型;最后针对研究所识别的公立医院供应链风险提出一些政策建议。

    Then , using factor analysis method to do data research , and get the model of risk management identify of public hospital based on SCOR . Finally , according to the public hospital identify supply chain risks ; we put forward some policy suggestions .

  29. “百校组织”是由英格兰著名的50所私立学校和50所公立学校组成的联盟。

    The100 Group is a distinguished group of schools in England .

  30. 公立医院改革中引入市场机制的探讨

    Discussion on the Market Mechanism in the Reform of Public Hospitals