
  • 网络brunch
  1. 文章写道,这些女管家可以在苏格兰高地(ScottishHighlands)帮雇主购买、装修和装潢房子,也可以在地中海的伊维萨岛(Ibiza)为20位宾客准备早中餐,如果雇主的私人厨师烂醉如泥的话。

    The Concierge femmes might help'buy , renovate and decorate a home in the Scottish Highlands or cook brunch for20 in Ibiza when the private chef shows up drunk , 'the article says .

  2. 结论治疗单纯性肥胖儿不应过分降低总热能的摄入,应提高早中餐的质和量,降低晚餐的热能摄入。以高蛋白、适量脂肪、碳水化合物为合理饮食模式。

    Conclusions Our diet model is reasonable for treatment of simple obese children , while one high protein , proper fat , low carbohydrate diet and appropriate total calorie intake .

  3. 按时吃健康的早中餐而不是早上随手拿点油炸圈饼,喝点咖啡或者跑着吃些三明治这可以防止我们在白天能量不足,如果能量不足的话将使你白天更困乏。

    Eating a healthy breakfast and lunch on time rather than grabbing a doughnut and coffee in the morning or a late sandwich on the run also prevents energy deficits during the day that will aggravate your sleepiness .