
  • 网络early homo sapiens;early stage H.sapiens
  1. L2时期恶劣的气候变化可能是直立人演化为早期智人的原因之一。

    The study also thought that harsh climate was one of the reasons for Human evolving to early Homo sapiens .

  2. 中国和欧洲早期智人的比较研究

    Comparative study of early Homo sapiens from China and Europe

  3. 中国北方早期智人与直立人对环境适应性比较研究&L2时期的环境变化对人类演化的影响

    A Study on the Adaptability to Environment of Early Homo Sapiens and Human in Northern China

  4. 安徽巢湖早期智人的牙齿磨耗和早期智人前部齿工具机能假说

    Tooth wear in early Homo sapiens from Chaohu and the hypothesis of use of anterior teeth as tools

  5. 此外,研究者还找到证据显示存在着一个能把石块加工成锐利石片的相当进化的早期智人社会。

    In addition , the researchers found evidence of a sophisticated early human society that used sharpened flakes of stone .

  6. 第二次走出非洲是早期智人走出非洲,这些智人取代了亚洲的早期智人。

    The second time refers to the African Archaic Homo sapiens ' going out of Africa to replace the Asian Archaic Homo sapiens .

  7. 就牙齿材料而言,尚无充分的证据能表明在中国曾同时存在过两种类型的早期智人。

    Furthermore , the work on Xujiayao teeth led to an open question of two types of early Homo sapiens coexisted in China .

  8. 一些科学家认为,能人是不是一个独立的物种,应当进行直立人无论是作为一个后来古猿或早期智人。

    Some scientists believe that habilis is not a separate species and should be carried either as a later Australopithecine or an early Homo erectus .

  9. 岩石艺术有可能同时在早期智人分布地区的两端独立出现,他们在结论部分这样写道。

    It is possible that rock art emerged independently around the same time and at roughly both ends of the spatial distribution of early modern humans , they concluded .

  10. 德国蒂宾根大学的科纳尔博士表示,他早就提出了“多中心融合发展”的学说:随着晚期智人扩散至世界各地,取代早期智人,不同的地方出现了类似的文化创新活动。

    Dr. Conard , of T ü bingen University , said he had long argued for what he calls polycentric mosaic modernity , in which similar kinds of cultural innovations happened in different contexts as modern Homo sapiens spread across the world and displaced archaic hominins .

  11. 首先从猿人进化成为直立人,接着经过早期和晚期的智人,

    first , from ape-man to Homo erectus , than passing through earlier and later stages of Homo sapiens ,