
  • Breakfast Time
  1. 早餐时间及地点会在届时通知;

    Breakfast time and venue will be announced in the program ;

  2. 当一名超酷新生对体力的挑战也更大,因为没有哪个“有节目的夜晚”结束于早餐时间以前。

    Being a VCF is also more punishing physically because no night out ends before breakfast time ;

  3. Edison…早餐时间你在干嘛呀?

    So , Edison ... what are we doing for breakfast today ?

  4. 早餐时间根据人和环境的不同而不同。

    The time for breakfast differs according to people and circumstances .

  5. 介意把我的早餐时间定在比那早一个小时吗?

    Would you mind making my breakfast an hour earlier than that ?

  6. 早餐时间一到,我真是高兴极了。

    I had hardly eaten anything the day before .

  7. 在今天3月17日的早些时候,他走上了纽约公共广播的早间节目《早餐时间》:

    He appeared earlier today , March 17th , on WNYC radio 's morning program , The Takeaway .

  8. 胃饥饿素在进餐前会有所提高,但在早餐时间能有效抑制。

    While the level of ghrelin rises before every meal , it is suppressed most effectively at breakfast time .

  9. 有些天,他们在课堂上有时也会无精打采和沮丧,尽管在几个小时之前的早餐时间他们可能是嘻嘻哈哈的。

    Some days they would come to class listless and depressed , though they had been so happy at breakfast just hours before .

  10. 其实我也在想,自己住在一个小地方,虽然每个凌晨有阿姨打扫了,但是一过早餐时间还是很脏。

    I think I live in a small village , there are many of cleaner clean here , but it is dirty as soon as after breakfast time .

  11. 麦当劳向花式咖啡的进军是其策略的一部分,目的是在早餐时间吸引更多的顾客,以其低廉价格的饮品从咖啡连锁店抢夺顾客。

    McDonald 's expansion into fancy coffees under the McCaf é brand is part of a strategy to capture more customers at breakfast time and win them over from coffee chains to its lower-priced drinks .

  12. 当一名超酷新生对体力的挑战也更大,因为没有哪个有节目的夜晚结束于早餐时间以前。在我那个时候,摆酷的学生午夜12点睡觉算不上羞耻。

    Being a VCF is also more punishing physically because no night out ends before breakfast time ; in my day it was no shame for a cool person to go to bed at midnight .

  13. 晚上我们穿过英吉利海峡,我们出发穿过法国时早餐时间到了,教练司机安排我们停在这个小咖啡馆。

    We 'd crossed the English Channel at night , and we set off through France , and breakfast time arrived , and the coach driver had arranged for us to stop at this little caf é .

  14. 课上他放映了一段录像,一名女性顾客因早餐时间不能点麦乐鸡而大发雷霆。老师问全班同学是否碰到过这样难缠的顾客,每个同学都举手表示深有体会。

    He shows a video of a woman driven berserk by the fact that you cannot get chicken McNuggets at breakfast time . He asks the class if they have ever had a difficult customer , and every hand goes up .

  15. 我就得早上五点半就到饭店,在餐厅七点正式开放前,把餐厅整理好,为一会早餐时间的忙碌做好准备.

    This necessitated me arriving at about 5:30 in the morning to get the dining room set up and ready for the breakfast rush before the restaurant opened at 7:00 . The rest of the dining room staff showed up at around 6:00 .

  16. 早餐供应时间从7点到10点。

    Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.

  17. 该是你吃早餐的时间了。

    It 's time to eat your breakfast .

  18. 我们吃早餐的时间是七点钟。

    Our breakfast hour is at seven o'clock .

  19. 多么滑稽的吃早餐的时间啊!

    What a funny time to have breakfast !

  20. 我得快点吃完早餐,时间不够了。

    I have to wolf down my breakfast ; I 'm rushed for time .

  21. 早餐的时间还没到呀。

    It is scarcely time for breakfast .

  22. 我不必用一顿早餐的时间,就能将他们歼灭。

    I need not use a time of breakfast and annihilate them for the ability .

  23. 早餐什么时间?

    What time is your breakfast ?

  24. 早餐的时间没吱一声,但是我想他们会记住,早晨我就有蛋糕吃了。

    Nothing was said at breakfast , but I figured they 'd remember and we 'd have cake at night .

  25. 英国人每天吃早餐的时间为早上7点到9点之间,早餐应是一天中非常重要的一餐,一日之计在于早餐。

    Nowadays , people usually eat breakfast between 7:00 am and 9:00 am . Breakfast is considered a very important meal , and is essential to having a good start to the day .

  26. 早餐供应时间从7点到10点。你把起居室擦一擦好吗?

    serve sth ( with sth ) | ~ sth ( to sb ) | ~ sb sth Breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m. dust sth Could you dust the sitting room ?

  27. 再举一个例子:如果你从洛杉矶旅行到东京,你只需计算好你在东京的第一顿早餐的时间,然后从这个时间往前推12-16个小时,保证不要进食就可以了。

    Another example : If you are travelling from Los Angeles to Tokyo , figure out when breakfast is served in Tokyo , and don 't eat for the12-16 hours before Tokyo 's breakfast time .

  28. 早餐店营业时间提早,并且提供更高质量的餐饮。

    Breakfast shops are opening earlier and offering higher quality meals .

  29. 你在早餐和晚餐时间谈论你的工作。

    You talk about your work during breakfast and dinner .

  30. 这家饭馆仅在早餐和午餐时间供应食物。

    The office is closed during the lunch hours or at lunchtimes .