
  • 网络If I had known;Already Knew
早知 [zǎo zhī]
  • [precognition] 对未来事件能超常预知的现象

  1. 早知他有病,我就不会叫他来了。

    If I had known he was ill , I would not have asked him to come .

  2. 当然,要是早知你要,我就留着了。

    Of course , if I had known it was you , I would have held out .

  3. 早知如此,我就不回去了。

    If I 'd known this beforehand , I would not have gone back .

  4. 他自言自语地说:“早知如此,刚才何必爬起来呢!”

    He said to himself : " If I knew this earlier , why did I get up in the first place ? "

  5. 早知您来我会换装的,陛下。

    Oh , I would have dressed , your Grace .

  6. 要是我早知到王如此懦弱无能。

    Had I known that the king was so powerless .

  7. 早知当初就该听老妈的话。

    Jack : I just knew I should have listened to my mother .

  8. 早知如此,当初不合叫他去。

    Had we foreseen that , we would not have let him go .

  9. 我早知会如此,只是当时懒得说�

    I knew this would happen , but I didn 't say anything ,

  10. 我早知叫只糯米鸡。

    I should , ve ordered glutinous rice chicken .

  11. 我早知,我已见。

    I knew it , I saw it !

  12. 要是早知如此,我就不会这样做了,但现在还有什么办法呢?

    If zaozhiruci , I will not do so , but there are still ways ?

  13. 他们早知警察要来

    They knew the police were coming ,

  14. 如果我早知你会来,我就会为你准备好饭了。

    If I 'd known you were coming , I would have had a meal ready for you .

  15. 我早知对方的毛病在哪并抓住了,最后把对方打败了。

    I alert each other 's problems and where to seize the final defeat of the other side .

  16. 我早知她的父亲是一个世上最简朴最努力工作的人。

    I knew her father for the simplest , hardest working man that ever drew the breath of life .

  17. 姨姨则说,早知如此,我就不栽它,任它吸地了。

    Aunt says that a process , I do not planted it , and let it suck in the .

  18. 维索科附近城镇居民早知这里存在2个被惯称是“金字塔”的结构,但从来没有人被激起好奇心深入追查。

    Residents of the nearby town of Visoko have long known about the presence of the two structures they always referred to as'pyramids'but none of them was ever intrigued enough to investigate further .