
  • 网络life partner;Life companion
  1. 有些人把他们的娃娃视为生活伴侣。

    There are some people who see their dolls as life partners .

  2. 性别失衡导致许多女性对生活伴侣精挑细选。

    Because of the imbalance , many women can cherry-pick their life partners .

  3. 作为一个生活伴侣,最重要的素质之一是幽默感。

    One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour .

  4. 从那时起,她创办了两家瑜伽工作室,结识了一个新的生活伴侣,并组建了一个新的社区。

    Since then , she has founded two yoga studios , met a new life partner , and formed a new community of people .

  5. 交友宣言我真诚地寻找爱的生活伴侣。

    I 'm looking for a partner with love faithfully .

  6. 在选择生活伴侣方面,请考虑美丽和性吸引力之外的品质。

    In picking a life partner , think beyond beauty and sexual attraction .

  7. 婚姻、同居、生活伴侣辨析

    An Analysis on Marriage , Cohabitation and Life Partner

  8. 选择生活伴侣并不容易。

    Choosing a life partner / spouse is hard .

  9. 亲爱的,你是我的生活伴侣。

    Honey , you 're my partner in life .

  10. 我想找一个可以和我共度一生的生活伴侣。

    A.But you don 't have a life .

  11. 我是你的生活伴侣和爱人。

    I 'm your life-partner and would-be lover .

  12. 这是你的生活伴侣是吧?

    He 's your life-partner , right ?

  13. 生活伴侣是一种有别于婚姻及单纯意义上的同居,而为法律认可的身份关系,同居也是其内在的本质要求。

    It is status relation admitted by law , therefore the cohabitation of it is natural .

  14. 现在一些大公司把他们的同性恋雇员的医疗福利扩大到他们的生活伴侣。

    Some large companies now extend health-care benefits to the life partners of their gay employees .

  15. 我开始怀疑,对我来说,期待着能找到新的生活伴侣是不是很现实?

    I began to wonder if it was realistic for me to expect to find a new life partner .

  16. 而伯顿的生活伴侣海伦娜·邦汉·卡特也出现在片场,她也将参演本片。

    And Burton 's partner Helena Bonham Carter , who was seen on set , is set to star too .

  17. 三分之一的单身一族回答“大笔的钱”而不是生活伴侣。

    ' , a third of single people said , 'a large sum of money ' , not a life partner .

  18. 夫妻既是两个各自独立的利益主体,又是彼此紧密结合的共同生活伴侣。

    Both husband and wife are two separate subjects of interest , but also closely integrated with common interests as partners .

  19. 我真心希望与我的生活伴侣一起培育这种真实的感情,共同享受它带给我们的欢乐并对之加以无限珍惜。

    I sincerely wish , together with my life partner , to develop such true affection , enjoy it and cherish it .

  20. 她的同行拉尔夫•劳伦使她有了寻找生活伴侣的打算。

    It was her fellow colleague , Ralph Lauren , that inspired her to continue her journey in life alongside a partner .

  21. 如果你想要吸引一个生活伴侣作为灵魂伴侣,你需要摒除几个错误的观念。

    If you want to attract a life partner as your soul mate , there are several illusions you will need to relinquish .

  22. 当人们比以前更频繁地更换工作、居住地、生活伴侣和生活方式的时候,处在各种年龄段的人们都需要学习的机会。”

    When people are changing their jobs , homes , partners and lifestyles more than ever , they nees opportunities to learn at every age .

  23. 你也许曾经和你的生活伴侣拥有灵魂伴侣的连结,共享一种关怀和爱的联系,创造了许多的成长。

    You may have already had a soul-mate connection with a life partner , sharing a caring , loving bond that created much growth for you .

  24. 为法律认可的生活伴侣或同性婚姻,我们只能以待异性婚姻一样的视角平等待之。

    The life partner and the marriage of the same sex , which is admitted by law only can be treated as the marriage of opposite sex .

  25. 作为总统,我深切感受到,找到一个坚定的生活伴侣是多么重要,在这一点上,里根总统跟我一样幸运。

    As President , I know just how important it is to have a strong life partner , and President Reagan was as lucky as I am .

  26. 因此人们不再是简单的选择商品,而是下意识的认为在挑选生活伴侣和有力的新群体,这样,人们可以买到达到更高群体地位的途径。

    So instead of simply choosing between products , subconsciously we think we are picking life partners and powerful new tribes , and that we can buy our way into higher group status .

  27. 然而,如果你寻找一个品味的女人成为你最好朋友、红颜知己和生活伴侣分享苦与乐,欢迎你留下你的足迹。

    However , you are welcome to leave your footprint if you are searching for a quality woman to be your best friend , soul mate and life partner to share sadness and happiness .

  28. 众所周知,我们都喜欢各种各样的小狗,一部分是因为它们可以在我们回家时开心的迎接我们,另一部分是因为它们是完美的可爱的生活伴侣。

    It 's no secret that we love dogs of all kinds , partly because they are always happy to see us when we come home , and partly because they are the perfect cuddly life companions .

  29. 但是自恋者绝不适合做生活伴侣:不论他们怎样高谈阔论自己的成就,表现的多么坚强,没有一丝脆弱,但是内心深处却很自卑。

    But as partners , narcissists are no picnic : their self-obsession can smother any semblance of vulnerability , and yet for all that talk about how great they are , narcissists often struggle with very low self-esteem .

  30. 每日睡眠8到9小时,我就娶了一个姑娘,并且我们的婚姻已经持续了66年,有一个好的生活伴侣很重要。

    I haven 't gotten stout and fat . I exercise . I get eight to nine hours of sleep every night and I 've stayed married to the same girl for66 years , which is important to have a good companion .