
  1. 非生产性中毒男女之比为1:2.03,女性明显高于男性。结论应大力推广高效、低毒、低残留农药。

    The toxication ratio between male and female in non - production toxication is 1: 2.03 . [ Conclusion ] Effective , less intoxicant pesticide should be spread .

  2. 15年间发生农药中毒共3668例,其中生产性中毒1235例,占33.67%,死亡2例;

    There occurred totally 3668 cases of pesticides poisoning during a period of 15 years , among them , productive poisoning 1235 cases ( 33.67 % ), 2 died ;

  3. 二是非生产性中毒,占总例数的32.3%,均为成年人自服农药自杀,女性明显高于男性,比值为3.2:1;

    The other main reason for intoxication is non - working intoxication , which occupied 32.3 percent of the total . Almost all of the cases is due to adult pesticide suicide , of which the rate of female is higher than male , the rate is 3.2:1 ;

  4. 上海市生产性农药中毒发病情况的综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Occupational Poisoning by Pesticide in Shanghai City

  5. 引起生产性农药中毒主要由于药液沾染衣服引起,非生产性农药中毒以消化道途径进入人体为主;

    Nonproductive pesticide poisoning was mainly caused through digestive tract ;

  6. 其中生产性农药中毒110例,占15.74%;

    110 cases were productive pesticide poisoning (( 15.74 % );)

  7. 生产性农药中毒发生率及其相关因素的分析

    Prevalence of pesticide poisoning during work and Logistic regression analysis of related factors

  8. 某县1990~2000年生产性农药中毒流行病学分析

    Epidemiological analysis of occupational poisoning by pesticides in some county from 1990 to 2000

  9. [结果]生产性农药中毒在中国农村存在普遍性;

    [ Results ] Pesticide poisoning cases in sprayers are observed in China rural areas .

  10. 结论嘉定区农药中毒以非生产性农药中毒为主,因此必须加强农药的危害性及相关防护知识的的宣传,重点人群是农民。

    [ Conclusion ] Pesticide poisonings in Jiading were mainly nonproductive pesticide poisoning , hence preventive knowledge education should be strengthened among villagers .

  11. 结果提示:忽视个人防护、违反安全施药规定是引起生产性农药中毒主因;

    The results suggested that neglect of personal protection and departure from safety regulations were the main causes in inducing productive pesticides poisoning ;

  12. 观察期内共发生生产性农药中毒30人次,中毒发生率12%,其中66%为混配施药引起。

    During the observation period , there were 30 cases of occupational pesticide poisoning ( 66 percent due to mixtures ) . The incidence was 1 2 % .