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shēnɡ fǎ
  • think of a way;try;do what one can
生法 [shēng fǎ]
  • [try;manage] 〈方〉∶想办法

  1. 修改后的人口计生法规定一对夫妻可以生育三个子女。

    The revised Population and Family Planning Law allows couples in China to have three children .

  2. 用泡生法从熔体中生长了块状非线性光学有机晶体4-胺基二苯甲酮(ABP)。

    The nonlinear optical organic crystal ABP ( 4-aminobenzophenone ) has been grown by Kyropoulos method from melts .

  3. 泡生法生长KYb(WO4)2晶体及其结构与光谱性能

    Structure and Spectra Characteristics of KYb ( WO_4 ) _2 Crystal Grown by Kyropoulos Method

  4. 采用泡生法和提拉法生长出三硼酸铯(化学式CsB3O5,简称CBO)晶体,研究了晶体生长工艺条件及晶体生长形态。

    Single crystals of CsB3O5 ( CBO ) were grown by Kyropoulos method and Czochralski method respectively .

  5. 本文用顶部籽晶泡生法生长了新型非线性晶体&硼酸铯锂(CLBO)。

    A new nonlinear optical crystal & CsLiB 6O 10 ( CLBO ) has been grown from a stoichiometric melt top seeded Kyropoulos method .

  6. imDC培养部分:采用直接分离诱生法:在经典分离诱导方案(GM-CSF+IL-4)的基础上,培养第5天分成两组:IL-4组和IL-10组。

    Adopting direct separation and induce method : based on the classical method with GM-CSF + IL-4 , we restrained rat dendritic cell derived from bone marrow from immature to mature adding IL-10 to the culture medium on the 5th day .

  7. 用泡生法生长出不同Nd3+掺杂浓度的Nd3+∶CaLa2B10O19(NLCB)晶体,测试了晶体的透射光谱、荧光光谱、倍频效应等性质。

    Nd 3 + ∶ CaLa 2B 10 O 19 ( NLCB ) crystals with different Nd 3 + concentrations have been grown by Kyropoulos method . The fluorescence spectra , transmission spectra , and powder SHG effect of the crystals have been measured .

  8. 为了健康原因遵循一定的疗生法。

    Follow a regimen or a diet , as for health reasons .

  9. 蜂胶半仿生法提取物对牛乳保鲜作用的研究

    Preservative effect of propolis extract by the semi-bionic on milk

  10. 希尔伯特称以上的处理为原生法。

    Hilbert called the above approach the genetic method .

  11. 什么是拼缀法、缩略法和逆生法?

    What is blending , abbreviation and back formation ?

  12. 前言:目的:选择半仿生法提取黄连解毒汤的最佳药材组合方式。

    Object : To select the optimum extracting mode of Huanglian Jiedu Decoction .

  13. 酶法及半仿生法提取银杏黄酮的工艺研究

    Comparison of Semi-bionic Extraction and Enzymic Treatment for Extraction of Flavonoids from Ginkgo Leaves

  14. 用萌生法改造农防林

    Rebuilding of farmland protection forest with sprout regeneration

  15. 对铌酸钾的泡生法生长、晶体颜色、单畴化及晶体开裂等问题进行了探讨。

    The Kyropoulos growth of KNbO_3 crystals and their colouring Polarization and cracking have been discussed .

  16. 你有什么理由认为,过去与你生法在一起的海鸥中间,有谁现在会听你的话呢?

    Why do you think that any of the gulls in your old time would listen to you now ?

  17. 着重在于阐述《黄帝四经》的内在逻辑结构,力图揭示四篇帛书中道生法的思维过程。

    It focus on the internal logical structure of the Huang Di Si Jing . It sought to reveal the thought processes of the four silk manuscripts of .

  18. 在一种新的可逆式混流转轮全特性的表达方式&对数曲线投影法的基础上,利用牛顿雷伏生法构造了可靠的计算格式。

    On the basis of logarithm curve projection method , a new express way of full performances of the reversible mixed flow runner , a reliable calculation method is put forward .

  19. 方法以盐酸麻黄碱为化学成分指标,对中药麻黄5种提取方法(半仿生法、水煎煮法、温浸法、酸性乙醇回流提取法、水蒸气蒸馏法)进行平行比较研究。

    METHOD With ephedrine hydrochloridum as the chemical index , five methods of extraction of Herba Ephedrae ( semi-bionics , decoction , warm-soaking , acid alcohol reflux extraction , distillation ) were compared .

  20. 但当场强较高和非线性较强时,无论简单迭代法或牛顿&拉夫生法都极易振荡和发散。

    But in case the field stress is high enough to drive the conductivity deeply into non-linear region , the iterative calculation , either by Simple Iteration or by Newton-Raphson Method , may easily be trapped in oscillation and divergence .

  21. 韩非子继承了老子的道论,按照道生法的逻辑,将道家自然无为的哲学转化为一种充分有为的哲学,这为他功利主义美学思想提供了哲学基础。

    Han Fei-zi inherited the morality theory of Lao-zi , according to the logic of morality deducing law , he turned Taoism school 's non-action philosophy into a fully active philosophy , which provided the philosophical foundation for his utilitarianism aesthetic thinking .