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  1. 吸附法中,筛选了BZ-84大网格吸附树脂,其最适吸附pH为8.5~9.0,用有机溶剂BT解吸,解吸收率达97%~99%。

    For macroreticular adsorption , BZ 84 macroreticular resin was screened out , and pH of optimum adsorption was 8.5 ~ 9.0 , and the desorption yield with solvent BT was 97 % ~ 99 % .

  2. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维直接脱水反应形成多烯化纤维,随后磺化处理制得盐解交换容量达2~32mmol·g-1的强酸型阳离子交换纤维。

    The strong acidic ion exchange fibers with higher exchange capacities up to 3.2 mmol · g - 1 were prepared by the dehydration reaction of polyvinyl alcohol ( PVA ) fiber followed by sulfonation .

  3. 结果表明,遗传算法对最优解命中率达80%,平均空间搜索率仅为00318。因此遗传算法能够成功解算大规模精馏分离序列优化综合问题。

    The conclusion shows that the rate of successful minimizations from genetic algorithm is equal to 80 % , and the average ratio of search space is equal to 0.0318 . Therefore , genetic algorithm can solve successfully the large-scale distillation separation sequence synthesis problem .

  4. 通过微波与强氧化剂、KOH的耦合以及微波法与酶法的耦合对粘度较高的野皂荚胶进行高浓度降解,经过微波处理用于酶解的浓度已达10%。

    Through the coupling of intense oxidizer and KOH , microwave and mannose , the gum with high concentration was degradated to lower concentration in10 % .

  5. 其次采用高浓度酸预处理酸水解方法使酵母β-D-葡聚糖的酸解回收率高达98.76%;

    Secondly , modified sulfuric acid hydrolysis method was adopted to completely release glucose and the recoveries of hydrolysis of β - D-glucan came to 98.76 % ;

  6. 研究结果表明整株还田,秸秆经过一年的腐解,腐解率达90%以上,土壤有机质年均增加0.11%。

    The study shows that the rotten rate of corn stalk in one year rotten period can reach more than 90 % . And organic matter in soil can increase by 0.11 % per year compared with traditional way .

  7. 新疆农田主要施用的三种秸秆肥和三种厩肥,在一年内的腐解率分别平均为7184%和4322%,绿肥(油葵)腐解率高达95%~97%;

    Xinjiang 's fields are supplied by three kinds of straws and manure of which decomposition rate average 71.84 % and 43.32 % a year respectively . Green manure ( e.g. sunflower ) decomposition rate is up to 95 % ~ 97 % ;