
  • 网络dispel magic;Dispell Magic
  1. 无情驱散:如同目标式的解除魔法,且下一轮对可以再次对目标生效。

    Relentless Dispelling : As targeted dispel magic , with additional targeted dispel magic the next turn .

  2. 例如,施法者应该有“解除灵能”法术,但远不如“解除魔法”对付等效魔法那样强力。

    For instance , spell casters could have a dispel psionics spell , but it is not nearly so powerful against psionic powers as dispel magic is against equivalent spells .

  3. 那就解除药力魔法都是可逆的

    Undo the potion . All magic can be broken .

  4. 心灵术士(操能者)可以象游荡者那样用搜索和解除装置技能找到并解除魔法或陷阱么?

    Can members of the psion ( savant ) class use the Search and Disable Device skills to find and disable magical or traps the way rogues do ?

  5. 解除和消解:对心灵异能、能力或物品施展解除魔法是无效的。

    Dispelling and Negating : Dispel magic has no effect when cast against any psionic power , ability , or item .