
  1. 我已经解决了现在被遗忘者的困境了!

    I have solved the plight of the forsaken !

  2. 现在你们都看到了吧,被遗忘者的时代来临了。

    Now , all can see , this is the hour of the Forsaken .

  3. 复仇码头是玩家第一次真正接触到被遗忘者建筑风格的地方。

    Vengeance Landing is the first place players will be able to get a look at Forsaken architecture .

  4. 被遗忘者的意志:激活后免疫恐惧、睡眠和魅惑效果。

    Will of the Forsaken : Activate to become immune to fear , sleep , and charm effects .

  5. 被遗忘者的意志(亡灵天赋)-免疫效果的持续时间缩短5秒。

    Will of the Forsaken ( Undead Racial ) - duration of the lasting immunity effect decreased to5 seconds .

  6. 牛头人和兽人都不能完全信任加入他们的亡灵&被遗忘者。

    Neither the Tauren nor the Orcs completely trust the Undead group that has joined them , The Forsaken .

  7. 我们把被遗忘者当作盟友看待,而他们应该相信我们,当我们说这是一个兄弟会诡计的时候。

    We considered the Forgotten to be our allies , and they must trust us , when we say this was a Brotherhood trick .

  8. 漫画一开始先描述吉尔尼斯是怎么样的,然后画面一转,就到了被遗忘者正在围攻格雷迈恩之墙的镜头。

    The comic starts with a image of how Gilneas was and then turns to the Forsaken now laying siege to the Greymane Wall .

  9. 被遗忘者在都城的残骸下建立起了自己的基地,他们发誓要击败天灾并将克尔苏加德和他的仆从赶出大陆。

    Constructing their own bastion beneath the wrecked city , the Forsaken vowed to defeat the Scourge and drive Kel'Thuzad and his minions from the land .

  10. 怨毒岗哨的被遗忘者在破坏新壁炉谷的工作上做得很好,但是血色先锋军的残余部队依然在下面坚挺着。

    The Forsaken at Venomspite did a good job of sabotaging New Hearthglen , but the Onslaught forces that are present down there are the battle-hardened remnant from that place .

  11. 林译小说中被遗忘的口译者

    Those Who Are Forgotten ─ Interpretors in the Novel Translated by Linshu

  12. 你知道,我们的孩子往往是被遗忘的悲痛者,而这是非常重要的--这是其中一件事。哀悼是我们在外面所做的事情。

    You know , our children are often the forgotten grievers , And it 's so important -- Here 's one of the things : Mourning is what we do on the outside .

  13. 他们是经常被遗忘的利益相关者。

    They are often the forgotten stakeholders .

  14. 所有的亡灵玩家还堂而皇之的被冠上一个被遗忘者的美名。

    The souls of all the players will also have glamorous moniker a reputation as a forgotten person .