
  1. 王大夫(RoyWang)当年本不想当医生,但他的高考分数没有达到工程专业的录取分数线,因此被他报考的那所华南大学调剂到医学专业。医学专业的录取分数线较低。

    Roy Wang did not want to be a doctor but his grades were too low for engineering so his southern China university transferred him to a course for weaker students : medicine .

  2. 以海南省2005年被取消报考一本院校资格的李洋等28名高考移民为例,从私权利之视角剖析高考移民现象合法、合理性的一面。

    This paper is a case study of the validity and rationality of the twenty-eight mobile college entrance examinees in Hainan Province whose admission rights are denied for the first-class colleges .