
  1. 中医临床基础学科高层次应用型人才培养模式和途径的研究

    Model and Way for Training Hing Level and Practical Type Personnel of CM

  2. 具有国际化背景的高层次应用型人才培养体系的构建与实践

    Construction and practice of high-level and applied talents training system with internationalized background

  3. 我国信息资源管理高层次应用型人才教育模式探讨

    Discussion on the Educational Model of the IRM High Level Applied Talent in China

  4. 教育硕士是我国近年来新设置的一个以培养高层次应用型人才为目标的专业硕士学位。

    Educational master , which began a few years ago in our country , is a professional master degree for training qualified higher personnel .

  5. 高层次应用型人才不仅要有一定的理论水平与科研能力,且应具备较强的实践能力。

    The high-level application-oriented talents not only need to have a certain level of theory and research capacity , but should also attain strong practical ability and professional skills .

  6. 国际化背景下高层次应用型人才培养,应当认真处理好学以致用和全面发展的关系、学科性与职业性的关系、知识教学与能力培养的关系。

    In order to nurture advanced practical undergraduates with international background , three relations should be grasped-practicality and all-round development , knowledge teaching and skills developing , disciplinal and vocational demands .

  7. 法律硕士(JM)教育作为一种专业学位教育,是中国培养高层次应用型法律人才的主要渠道。

    As a professional degree education in China , Juris Master education has become the main channel for high-level and application-oriented legal talent training model .

  8. 随着经济和科技的全球化趋势不断发展以及世界经济时代的到来,社会需要越来越多高素质、高层次的应用型人才。

    With the development of science and technology , more and more high-quality applied professional talents are urgently needed .

  9. 依法治国方略的实现,需要有一个强大的法律职业共同体,而我国法律职业教育却未能培养出大批的高层次应用型法律人才。

    To govern the country according to law , a strong community of legal vocation is needed , while we haven 't cultivated large quantities of high leveled and applying legal persons yet .

  10. 其中一些院校为保持特色、错位发展,提出将学校定位于培养适应社会需要的高层次技术应用型人才,实施技术应用型本科教育。

    To maintain the characteristics and achieved diversified development , some institutes target at cultivation of high-level personnel on applied technology in order to cater for the markets needs and implement technology-based undergraduate education .

  11. 应用型本科院校为地方经济和社会发展培养高层次应用型专门人才,其定位决定了学校的发展目标、基本策略和发展格局。

    Applied colleges of undergraduate course train the applied specialized personnel on higher level for local socio-economic development . Their strategic orientation determine the developing goal , basic tactics and developing pattern of the colleges .

  12. 专业学位研究生教育以培养高层次、应用型人才为目标,是我国研究生教育体系中的一个重要类别,也是满足社会对于实践型人才需求的一个重要手段。

    As an important part of Chinese graduate education , the graduate education of professional degrees takes the education of advanced applied talents as its goal and sets up to satisfy the needs of the society in providing practiced manpower .

  13. 现代旅游业的发展进步,旅游市场的激烈竞争,迫切需要培养高层次的应用技术型人才。

    The development of modern tourism and the keen competition of tourism market demand the high-level applied personnel .

  14. 搞好职业技术学院的英语教学,可以为我国培养出优秀的、能与世界接轨的高层次的科技应用型人才。

    The English language teaching that is well done in the professional technology colleges , can nurse fine , higher-levelled scientifically and technologically applied talents for our country .

  15. 高职会计专业的培养目标是培养高素质、高层次应用型会计技术专业人才和管理人才。

    The aim of accounting in higher vocational school is to foster high qualified practical accountant .

  16. 劳动者可以通过接受高职教育享受高等教育的权利,成为高层次技术型、应用型人才。

    The laborers can enjoy the rights of higher education and become higher level technical and applied talents .