
  • 网络high street;High St
  1. 未来五年,无人驾驶技术更趋主流的时候,未来学家语言,很多汽车都会与高街商家实现聚合。

    Within the next five years , as self-driving technologies become more mainstream1 , futurologists predict that many cars will converge2 with the high street .

  2. 该行奉行从美国引进的新型高端零售理念,目标是提供比现有高街银行(highstreetbank)更好的服务。

    Metro is a high-profile new retail concept imported from the US , aiming to provide better service than our incumbent High Street banks .

  3. 除了皮特曼的生平,这场仪式还将纪念由高街银行家经营高街银行(highstreetbank)的时代。

    As well as his life , it will commemorate the era when high street banks were run by High Street bankers .

  4. 十二年前,英国高街零售商迪克森由于DVD播放机的流行而决定逐步停止销售盒式磁带录像机。

    It was 12 years ago that UK High Street retailer Dixons decided to phase out the sale of VCRs due to the popularity of DVD players .

  5. 在高街,M&S,Zara,JigsawandGap都有可做穿戴的牛仔布、绒面革和皮革。

    On the High Street , M & S , Zara , Jigsaw and Gap have a wearable range of denim , suede and leather .

  6. 高街品牌巨头Zara也没有错过机会,把剧中一个搞笑场景印在了T-恤上,其中一幕是莫妮卡把一只火鸡戴在了头上,配文,所有的感恩节只要这一件就够了。

    High street giant Zara has jumped on the bandwagon too with t-shirts featuring iconic scenes from the show , including one with Monica wearing a turkey on her head with the slogan : ' The One With All The Thanksgivings . '

  7. 步入Saint-Germain,仿佛置身于巴黎左岸一个优雅的咖啡馆,而西营盘高街地区的Metropolitain则焕发出一种蒙马特艺术气息。

    Step into Saint-Germain and you could be in an elegant caf é on Paris 's Left Bank , while Metropolitain in the upcoming Sai Ying Pun neighbourhood evokes an artsy Montmartre atmosphere .

  8. 高街在此分为东街和榆树街。

    High Street separates here into East Street and Elm Street .

  9. 位于高街街角处的警察分局。

    The police station at the corner of the high street .

  10. 高街旧精神病院外墙

    " Facade , Old Mental Hospital , High Street "

  11. 勇气书店,马里波恩高街83号,另有其他分店;

    Daunt Books , 83 Marylebone High Street , and other locations ;

  12. 高街16号玛丽琼斯转交戴维史密斯。

    David Smith , care of Mary Jones , 16 , High Street .

  13. 胜算最大的做法是去高街找托马斯库克。

    Your best bet is to go to Thomas Cook in high street .

  14. 餐馆就在高街附近。

    The restaurant is just off the Hight Street .

  15. 伍尔沃斯曾是英国高街上最著名的品牌之一,

    Woolworths is one of the best known names on the British High Street .

  16. 邮局在高街与伦敦路的街角处。

    The post office is on the corner of the high street and london road .

  17. 这项虚拟的试衣镜是革新了高街购物体验的最新发明。

    The virtual changing room is the latest invention attempting to revolutionise the high street shopping experience .

  18. 我喜欢穿着印有良好的高街组合件的设计多一些。

    I like to wear a little bit of designer with a mix of good high street pieces .

  19. 这家高街时尚服装厂牌决定于本周以159英镑的价格再次发售这款礼服,不过销售地区仅限美国而已。

    The High Street chain has decided to re-release the ? 159 dress this week but only in the U.S.

  20. 男:我知道高街有一家印度餐厅,可以为团体客人提供特别晚宴。

    M : I know an Indian restaurant on the High Street that offers a special dinner for groups .

  21. 沿着高街一直走,在第一个路口左拐就行了。

    Just go straight down the High Street , then take the first left , and Bob 's your uncle .

  22. 目前世界有名的几个高街品牌已经成功的打入中国市场,国内的很多服装品牌都或多或少的受到影响。

    Nowadays , several famous high-street brands enter Chinese market , and it has impact to our domestic dress brands .

  23. 巴克莱存在了300年的原因在于,英国的高街银行业务基本上是一项稳健的业务。

    The reason that Barclays has kept going for 300 years is that UK high street banking is basically a sound business .

  24. 高街咖啡连锁店热门热饮含糖量惊人,达25茶匙之多。

    Popular hot drinks containing a ' shocking " 25 teaspoons of sugar are being sold by high street coffee shop chains .

  25. 绝大多数品牌都意识到,他们的生存取决于与高街零售商结成伙伴展开合作,这能将他们推向更加广阔的市场。

    Most brands recognise that their survival depends on partnering with high-street retailers in collaborations that will bounce them into a broader market .

  26. 最近在耶鲁中心校园的纽黑文高街都有枪击事件报道。

    Recently there was a shooting incident on the high street of New Haven which is extremely close to Yale 's central campus .

  27. 梅特林厄姆说,卡伦米伦将定位于“中端”品牌,或者说“让消费者买得起的奢侈”品牌,介于高端奢侈品和高街店之间。

    She said Karen Millen would be positioned as a " bridge " or " attainable luxury " brand situated between the high-end luxury names and high-street stores .

  28. 因为希望能提供最好的基础价值,高街零售商都给出了很大的折扣。但是由于自身收入依然不高,消费者还是会坚守观望。

    High-street retailers are heavily discounting as they aim to provide the best possible value on basics , but consumers will continue on the back foot as real incomes remain squeezed .

  29. H&M成为第一家不去美化模特的生长纹、疤痕,甚至腋毛的重要高街零售商。

    H & M has become the first of the big high street retailers not to airbrush out models ' stretch marks , as well as scars and even hairy arms .

  30. 从结婚的那刻直到永远,社会舆论和道德风向让公爵夫人注定只能向世人展示其谨慎节俭的形象:尽职地以“借来的”皇冠搭配高街鞋;

    From now until forever , modern protocol and societal demands mean that the Duchess will have to be prudent and thrifty : dutifully pairing her loaned tiaras with High Street shoes ;