
  • 网络two-point limen;two point threshold;Two-point threshold
  1. 在三个不同疲劳状况下肤觉两点阈、腕关节敏感度与投篮准确性的变化相一致。

    In the three different states , the change degree of the 2-point discrimination threshold of skin , sensibility of wrist joint is consistent with the shoot exactness .

  2. 然后对实验前后的跳投命中率和5项心理感知觉指标(视觉深度、手动稳定性、腕关节敏感度、皮肤两点辨别阈、手指握力准确度)进行独立样本T检验。

    Before and after the experiment and then throw line and the five indicators of psychological sense of perception ( visual depth , manual stability , wrist sensitivity , discrimination threshold of the skin two fingers grip accuracy ) for independent samples T test .