
  • 网络Cross-strait charter;cross straits charter flights;the cross-straits charter flight
  1. 两岸包机原本只限于春节,此次中秋包机标志著两岸节日包机服务范围的进一步扩大。

    The flight signalled the extension of the cross-Straits charter flight service , which used to be restricted to the Spring Festival .

  2. 2003年正式批准春节期间实行两岸包机,之后逐步扩展到其它传统节日。

    Cross-straits charter flights were approved in2003 during the Lunar New Year and later expanded to other traditional festivals .

  3. 首架中秋两岸包机于本周五抵达台湾,标志著两岸通航关系又向前迈进了一步。

    The first Mid-Autumn Festival charter flight from Taiwan arrived in Shanghai on Friday , marking another step towards establishing regular cross-Straits air links .

  4. 他表示有信心与中国大陆达成协议,从7月份起开放两岸包机直航,同时开放大陆观光客来台湾。

    He expresses confidence that he can sign a deal with China on starting non-stop charter flights across the Strait and allow thousands of Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan from July .

  5. 首先要解决两岸客运包机周末化的问题和两岸货运包机便捷化的问题。

    The first priority is to open chartered passenger flights on weekends on a regular basis and simplify procedures for chartered cargo flights between the two sides .

  6. 马英九以压倒优势赢得大选、上月就任总统以来,迅速采取行动,兑现竞选承诺,就开通两岸定期包机直航和增加中国大陆赴台游客达成协议。

    Since taking office as president last month after a landslide election victory , Ma Ying-jeou has moved quickly to fulfil a campaign pledge to close a deal with China to open regular non-stop passenger flight links and increase tourist flows from the mainland .

  7. 台湾交通部长毛治国表示,与中国大陆的非正式谈判正顺利进行,有望不久达成正式协议,开放两岸周末包机直航,以及每天允许3000名大陆游客来台湾观光。

    Mao Chi-kuo , transport minister , said unofficial talks with China on allowing non-stop charter flights across the strait every weekend and allowing 3,000 Chinese to visit as tourists every day from July were going smoothly , and were expected to result in a formal deal soon .

  8. 今年春节期间除了上海广州飞往台湾的直航包机外,北京和厦门也开通了海峡两岸的直航包机。

    Apart from Shanghai and Guangzhou , the direct charter flights will also be available to Beijing and Xiamen .

  9. 自从2003年海峡两岸开通直航包机以来,今年是两岸春节期间互通直航包机的第四年。

    This year 's direct charter flight service for the Spring Festival is the fourth of its kind , having begun in2003 .

  10. 第一,尽快将海峡两岸的客运包机,由节日化转向常态化。

    First , we should promptly make cross-Straits charter passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals , but also on a more permanent basis .

  11. 春节或叫农历新年和中秋节等节日期间往返海峡两岸的直航包机有望变成常规飞行。

    Charter flights that shuttle across the strait during traditional festivals , such as Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year and Mid-Autumn festivals , are expected to become routine .