
  • 网络Love Both of You
  1. 她说她两个都爱。

    Says she loves us both .

  2. 你们两个我都爱你们之间的感应太奇妙了我们常笑下一个问题

    You know , I love you both individually , the dynamic between you two is fantastic.We laugh a lot.Next question .

  3. 如果你两个孩子都爱,我搞不懂为什么你对一个付出那么多而对另一个却不是如此。

    If you love both children , idon 't understand why you give so much to one and not the other .

  4. 他心里只放得下两个偶像&他的妻子和他自己。他两个都爱,只崇拜一个,我不能设想他怎么担起这损失。

    He had room in his heart only for two idols & his wife and himself : he doted on both , and adored one , and I couldn 't conceive how he would bear the loss .