
liǎng yī zhàn zhēng
  • the Iran-Iraq war
两伊战争[liǎng yī zhàn zhēng]
  1. 之前他曾服役于两伊战争,并担任过国家警察署署长。

    He formerly served in the Iran-Iraq war and as national police chief .

  2. 比如1987年,里根总统在两伊战争期间派出部队支援科威特船只。

    For example , President Reagan sent troops to assist Kuwaiti ships during the Iran-Iraq war in 1987 .

  3. 伊朗石油产量降到了20年前两伊战争(iran-iraqwar)以来的最低点。

    Iranian oil production has plunged to its lowest since the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq war 20 years ago .

  4. 据说,《星球大战》在伊拉克的首映是1980年3月在萨达姆·侯赛因阿拉伯复兴社会党(BaathParty)总部的一次私人活动上。六个月后,两伊战争爆发,15岁的乌代参战。

    is believed to have been held at a private event at Saddam Hussein 's Baath Party headquarters in March 1980 , six months before the start of the Iran-Iraq war , and the 15-year-old Uday attended .

  5. 但两伊战争中你两边都卖。

    But in the iran-lraq war you sold guns to both sides .

  6. 在两伊战争中,双方均遭受惨重伤亡。

    In Iran-Iraq war , both sides incurred heavy casualties .

  7. 两伊战争时期伊朗对外政策研究

    Study on the Foreign Policy of Iran during the War between Iran and Iraq

  8. 1988年的今天,两伊战争宣布停火。

    1988-Iran-Iraq War : Cease Fire declared .

  9. 现在该是我讲一下当时两伊战争期间我所经历的几件事了。

    Following are some experiences that I had during the war between Iraq and Iran .

  10. 库尔德人被指控在1980年代的两伊战争中援助伊朗,然后他们遭到屠杀。

    The slaughter began after Kurds were accused of aiding Iran during the Iran-Iraq war in the1980s .

  11. 在这次战斗中他受了重伤。在两伊战争中,双方均遭受惨重伤亡。

    He received a serious wound in the battle . In Iran-Iraq war , both sides incurred heavy casualties .

  12. 但是当两伊战争在1980年爆发的时候,她不得不放弃了获得硕士学位的计划。

    But she had to abandon plans for a Master 's degree when the Iran – Iraq War broke out in1980 .

  13. 佩雷斯·德奎利亚尔在1982年至1991年期间担任联合国秘书长,在两伊战争期间领导联合国。

    Perez De Cuellar served as UN secretary-general from 1982 to 1991 , leading the world body during the Iran-Iraq war .

  14. (具有讽刺意味的是,福尔多据信也是两伊战争期间死伤人数最多的地点。)

    ( ironically , the forDo location is also believed to be the site of the largest number of fatalities in the Iran-Iraq war . )

  15. 当时伊朗向中国供应石油,用以支付中国在两伊战争期间向伊朗供应的军火的费用,但他的这些朋友不知道如何办理这件事。

    Iran was shipping oil to China to pay for weapons supplied during its war with Iraq and they did not know what to do with it .

  16. 两伊战争中,作为阿拉伯国家的叙利亚在军事、外交和经济上支持伊朗,促进了叙伊关系的发展;

    During Iran-Iraq war , as an Arab state , Syria supported for Iran in the economic , diplomatic , and military and promoted development of bilateral relations .

  17. 活着的战俘和失踪者指出,在两伊战争中百十万人中只有一小部分人失踪了。

    Prisoners of war ( POWs ) and those missing in action represent only a small fraction of the hundreds of thousands who went missing in the Iran-Iraq war .

  18. 如土政府拒绝追随美国制裁伊朗并在两伊战争中持中立政策。

    For example , The Turkish government refused to follow the sanctions against Iran created by the United States and adhered to the neutral policy in the Iran-Iraq War .

  19. 这已经持续了多年,但现在伊拉克需要的石油收入来支付从两伊战争的债务和避免经济危机。

    This had been ongoing for years , but now Iraq needed oil revenues to pay off its debts from the Iran – Iraq War and avert an economic crisis .

  20. 萨达姆在两伊战争中对伊朗军队及在20世纪80年代对库尔德人使用其他类型的毒气受到了国际社会的谴责,

    Saddam 's use of other types of poison gas against Iranian troops in the Iran-Iraq War and against Iraq 's Kurdish population in the 1980s was criticized by the international community ,

  21. 美伊关系嬗变特征主要表现在四个方面:历史上的盟国关系,两伊战争期间的密友关系,海湾战争前的挑衅与纵容关系,海湾战争后的敌对关系。

    There are four characteristics during the evolvement of US-Iraq relations : ally in the history , friendship during Iran-Iraq War , provocation and connivance before the Gulf War and enemy after Gulf War .

  22. 这条直径48英寸的管道建于上世纪80年代初的两伊战争期间当时伊朗和伊拉克都在攻击对方在海湾地区的油轮作为所谓“东西输油管道系统”的一部分,用于运输石油。

    The 48-inch pipe was built during the Iran-Iraq war in the early 1980s when both sides were attacking tankers in the Gulf to transport oil as part of the so-called East-West petroline system of pipelines .

  23. 穆萨维1980年代曾任伊朗总理,到今天仍然有很多伊朗人怀念他当初如何带领伊朗走过了两伊战争的混乱局面,怀念他在艰难时期采取的公平经济政策。

    An Iranian Prime Minister during the 1980s , Mousavi is still remembered by many Iranians for guiding the country through the turmoil of the Iran-Iraq war and for his even-handed economic policies during tough times .

  24. 五年之后的1988年,两伊战争结束前,一架航班号为655的伊朗航空客机在从德黑兰飞往迪拜的过程中被美国海军文森斯号导弹巡洋舰击落。

    Five years later , in 1988 , Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was gunned down by the United States Navy guided missile cruiser USS Vincennes as the Iran Iraq war drew to a close .

  25. 经过过去10天13%的涨幅,目前油价已逼近经通胀因素调整后逾100美元的历史高点,这是在上世纪80年代两伊战争开始后创下的。

    The 13 per cent price jump in the past 10 days has left oil close to its inflation - adjusted record high of more than $ 100 reached in early 1980 after the start of the Iraq-Iran war .

  26. 两伊战争期间,伊朗与沙特两国的关系不同于和平时期的和平交往关系,亦不同于交战双方的战争关系。

    During the Iran-Iraq war , the relation between Iran and Saudi is different from that in the peaceful time which reflects in their peaceful cooperation and is also different from the relationship of being two warring sides of a war .

  27. 本文主要探讨两伊战争时期伊朗对外政策的特点及为了赢得战争,外交政策中所表现出的意识形态与现实国家利益之间的不和谐性。

    The thesis mainly inquired into the characteristic of Iran 's foreign policy during the war between Iran and Iraq . In order to gain the victory of the war , the diplomatic policy of Iran has displayed lacking harmony between ideology and realism .

  28. 其原因为伊朗与巴解组织存在分歧;伊朗与阿拉伯国家关系的恶化的影响;巴解组织在两伊战争中支持伊拉克及其它的一些原因。

    The reasons are these as follows : the divergence is existing between Iran and the PLO ; the influence of the deterioration of the relationship between Iran and the Arab states ; The PLO supported Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war and some other reasons .

  29. 两伊战争的爆发,一方面恶化了伊朗与沙特的关系,但另一方面两国关系的恶化又深深影响了两伊战争的进程和中东的局势。

    On one hand , the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war deteriorated the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia . On the other hand , the deterioration of relations between the two countries deeply affected the process of the Iran-Iraq war and the situation in Middle East .

  30. 伊拉克自1968年复兴党上台后的35年中,伊美关系经历了从复兴党执政前期的“政冷经热”,到两伊战争爆发后的全面缓和,再到海湾危机后激烈对抗的重大变化。

    After the Baath Party was in power in 1968 , the 35 years witnessed the great changes on the ( Iraq-U.S. ) relationship : the political depression and the economic development in the early stage ; the overall relaxation after the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War ;