
  1. 如果你冷的话,我可以把暖气开大些。

    If you 're cold , I can turn the heat up .

  2. 如果你冷,我将你拥入怀中;

    If you are cold , I will hold you in my arms ;

  3. 没有人关心,如果你冷呼吁。

    No one cares if you cold call .

  4. 如果你冷,你可以把窗户和门打开。让这里通通风。

    If you 're cold , just open the windows and doors , and we 'll get some ventilation in here .

  5. 寒冷的气候;寒冷的房间;饭菜凉了;冷冰冰的手指;如果你冷,就打开取暖器;冰镇啤酒。

    A cold climate ; a cold room ; dinner has gotten cold ; cold fingers ; if you are cold , turn up the heat ; a cold beer .

  6. 如果你对冷很敏感,请在自己身上盖上一条薄毯。

    Cover yourself with a light blanket if you chill easily .

  7. 如果你觉得冷,穿着外套(别脱)。

    Keep your coat on if you feel cold .

  8. 如果你觉得冷,穿上我的夹克吧。

    Take my jacket if you are cold .

  9. 如果你觉得冷,就喝些热的东西暖暖身子吧。

    If you are feeling cold , have a hot drink to warm you up .

  10. 如果晚上你冷的话,就从橱柜里多拿几条床罩。

    If you 're cold in the night get some more covers from the cupboard .

  11. 如果你想吃冷饭或重复加热的米饭,可以少量蒸煮,然后直接放入冰箱中迅速冷却。

    ' If you wish to eat cold or reheated rice , cook small amounts and put straight into the fridge to cool quickly . '

  12. 如果你觉得冷并想多要条毯子,可能会想到向司法部长申请,可结果会是渺无音讯。

    If you are cold and want an extra blanket , you might petition the Minister of justice , but you will get no response .

  13. 如果你将冷气体置于热源前,你会看到一些特定图形,称之为吸收谱线。

    And if you place a cool gas in front of a hot source , you will see certain patterns which we call absorption lines .

  14. 如果你觉得这里冷的话,可以在外面等着。

    If you find it too chilly in here , you can wait outside .

  15. 如果你感觉到冷,他可能会为你披上自己的毛衣或外套。

    If you are cold , he might offer you his sweater or a jacket .

  16. 如果你意识到会冷,你应该带自己的外套。

    If you thought that you were going to be cold , you should 've brought your own jacket .

  17. 您可以呼吸到您睡袋如果你真的很冷。

    Okay , well , I can maybe grab a sleeping bag .

  18. 如果你觉得有点冷,就点燃炉火。

    Light the fire if you feel chilly .

  19. 如果你觉得今天很冷。

    If you thought today was cold .

  20. 比如说脚。如果你真的感觉冷,厚袜子能使你的脚暖和。

    The feet , for example , Heavy socks can warm your feet , if your feet are really cold .

  21. 圣诞节吗?还是仍然留在中国?如果你感觉不很冷,下一个寒假(一月)

    Christmas or will you stay in China ? If it isn 't too cold for you , I Would like to .