
  1. 如果有一天,3D打印出的机器人可以在3D打印机上自行制作机器人,那会发生什么?

    What if one day 3D-printed robots can make their own 3D-printed robots ?

  2. 我向你保证,如果有一天和平不再需要武器来维护,我就会为儿童医院开始生产建筑材料(brick砖,beam房梁)。

    I guarantee you the day weapons are no longer needed to keep the peace , I 'll start making bricks and beams for baby hospitals .

  3. 如果有一天,你需要把Selector修改成输入框,那我们只需要更新对应的UImodule

    If for some reason , the Selector is changed to an input box , then we just update the UI module accordingly

  4. 如果有一天,iPhone被放在讲台上,用它轻松愉悦、永远一个语调的方式回答问题,这得多令人惊叹啊!

    How stunning it would be if an iPhone was placed on the podium and answered questions in Siri 's pleasant , considered monotone .

  5. AndrewPortare:“如果有一天铜的价格上涨,我们会拿出所有的铜,在市场上实现资本化。”

    ANDREW PORTARE : " If copper 's up one day , we can ship all of our copper extract and capitalize on the market . "

  6. 如果有一天Samaritan把其他人都干掉了…我们就可以谈谈这个问题了。

    Maybe someday , when Samaritan wipes everyone out ... we can talk about it .

  7. 如果有一天facebook游戏、设计师服装的每日促销快报以及用于在酒吧中定位友人的应用这些东西的市场崩溃了,应该不会有人为它们或者其他更为小众的应用感到悲伤。

    If the markets for Facebook games , daily deals on designer clothes or apps to locate our friends in bars collapsed , few would mourn them or their ever more esoteric derivations .

  8. 但是,如果有一天您的计算机突然说对不起,Dave,我恐怕做不了,那么您真的要非常担心了。

    But if one day your computer buzzes in your ear , " I 'm sorry Dave , I 'm afraid I can 't do that ," it is time to be very worried .

  9. 大多数专家估计,如果有一天古巴雪茄能够合法、大量地进入美国,也应该是通过古巴的国有雪茄连锁店——哈瓦那雪茄之家(CasadelHabano),该连锁店已在全球开了大约130家分店。

    When Cuban cigars finally do arrive abundantly - and legally - on American soil , most experts figure it will be through the Casa del Habano , Cuba 's state-owned chain of cigar boutiques , which already has some 130 stores worldwide .

  10. 如果有一天我离开这里,会有人要我吗?

    If I ever left here , would anybody want me ?

  11. 还有,他说如果有一天战争结束后。

    Well , she says someday when the war is over .

  12. 如果有一天你去银行拿钱。

    If someday you go the bank to get money .

  13. 如果有一天你想要哭,呼唤我。

    If one day you feel like crying , please call me .

  14. 如果有一天,我真的做了过去我说过的事。

    If someday , I really did I 'm told to do .

  15. 如果有一天你需要保护,这个会帮到你的。

    If you ever need sanctuary , this will show you the way .

  16. 如果有一天,我们习惯了彼此埋怨

    If one day we used to blame each other

  17. 我希望如果有一天你走累了。

    I hope one day if you feel tired .

  18. 如果有一天我打算结婚。

    Look , someday I want to get married .

  19. 如果有一天我和她聊起绘画。

    If I talk to her about paintings someday .

  20. 如果有一天,我只能看到黑暗。

    If one day I can see blackness only .

  21. 如果有一天,我当了老师。

    If one day , I become a teacher .

  22. 如果有一天王子提出分手怎么办?

    What if the prince breaks up with her ?

  23. 如果有一天我站在你面前呢?

    What about one day if I show up in front of u ?

  24. 但是如果有一天你打电话给我…而我却没有接听…

    But if one day you call ... And there is no answer ...

  25. 如果有一天你想要逃开,

    If one day you want to run away -

  26. 如果有一天我在拉船,你愿意过来帮我吗?

    If one day I bend will you come to me and help me ?

  27. 如果有一天你想离开,别怕,告诉我。

    Don 't be afraid to call me .

  28. 如果有一天,我不再放下所有的骄傲去打扰你;

    If one day , I no longer drop all proud to disturb you ;

  29. 如果有一天这真的发生了。

    And if some day this must happen .

  30. 如果有一天,他死了。

    If one day , he has died .