
  • 网络so beautiful;so nice
  1. 你们中的很多人将会铭记这段在最近的TED里,播放的非常可爱的视频,然而不是所有的四轴飞行器群都如此美好可爱。

    Many of you will remember this super cute video from the last TED , but not all quadcopter swarms are so nice and cute .

  2. 如此美好,难以想象。

    So nice , you can not imagine .

  3. 生活可以如此美好,充满冒险和欢乐。

    Life can be so wonderful , full of adventure and joy .

  4. 在醒着的生活是如此美好的时候,为何要把时间浪费在做梦上呢。这句话非常之bitchy。。

    Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better .

  5. 我认识的第一个政治人物是哈罗德麦克米伦(haroldmacmillan),他曾告诉选民们,以前他们从未有过如此美好的生活。

    The first political figure I recognised was Harold Macmillan , who told voters they had never had it so good .

  6. 你知道,生活就是真真切切的如此美好。

    You know , life is just really , really good .

  7. 在这儿发生的事儿是如此美好。

    And what 's happening right here is so much deeper .

  8. 我不知道生活是如此美好!

    I didn 't know life could be so beautiful !

  9. 因为我遇到了你,我的生活变得如此美好!

    Life is so wonderful because I could meet you .

  10. 生活如此美好,任何美丽的事物我能拥有。

    Life is so wonderful , I may own all those beautiful things .

  11. 为何每次想起你心情如此美好?

    Why is it that everytime I think of you emotions become kind ?

  12. 世界如此美好,我却如此烦恼。

    The world is so beautiful , but I have so much trouble .

  13. 是的,恋爱是如此美好。

    Yeah , falling in love is so good .

  14. 是什么,让渺茫的世界如此美好?

    What is so slim that a better world ?

  15. 醒时的生活既然如此美好为何要把宝贵时间浪费在做梦上呢

    Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better ?

  16. 感谢你让这个世界如此美好。

    Thank you for the world so sweet .

  17. 我微笑起来,她也笑起来,万事万物如此美好。

    I smiled , she smiled , and all was well . IF YOU GO

  18. 此刻一切如此美好,遥远天空上片片云朵。

    Now things are fine the clouds are far away up in the sky .

  19. 你的生活如此美好,难道你不知你是正在伤害。

    Your life 's good , don 't you know that you 're hurting .

  20. 我要感谢我能够生活在一个如此美好的环境中。

    I am thankful for being able to live in such a great environment .

  21. 既然醒时的生活如此美好为何要把宝贵的时间浪费到做梦上去呢?

    Why waste precious time dreaming , when waking life is so much better ?

  22. 那是如此美好的时光。

    That was such a happy moment .

  23. 在鱼鱼感觉生活如此美好的情况下,几乎可以达到心想事成的境界。

    You can almost make things happen because you are feeling so good about life .

  24. 你们看起来都很漂亮,共和国的末日看起来从未如此美好过。

    You all look great . The end of the Republic has never looked better .

  25. 在我生命中从来没有如此美好的时光。

    I have never , in all my life , had such a good time .

  26. 因为有他这个勇敢无私的领袖为国服务,我们的生活才如此美好。

    We are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader .

  27. 他们都是如此美好的回忆。

    Such fond memories of them all .

  28. 如果没有你,我的人生的旅途不会如此美好。

    I would not have been able to make this wonderful journey through life without you .

  29. 它很大程度上也是正则表达式如此美好和强大的根源。

    It 's also a big part of what makes regular expressions so expressive and powerful .

  30. 对我来说,能看到人世间还有如此美好的事情真是奇迹。

    For me , it was a miracle to see such light in a human being again .