
  1. 不是坏男人,小莉&是好男人。

    Not a bad man , Liss & a good man .

  2. 为何坏男人那么有市场的呢?

    Why do " bad guys " always have a market ?

  3. 楼上的坏男人昨天交通事故死了。

    The bad man upstairs cashed inby a traffic accident yesterday .

  4. 当那个坏男人被投进监狱时,麦里克高兴地大笑起来。

    When 42the bad man went to prison , Merrick laughed .

  5. 我越南,但越南有好男人和坏男人。

    I 'm vietnamese but Vietnamese have good man and bad man .

  6. 对坏男人是否情有独鈡?

    Are Bad Boys Sexually More Exciting To You ?

  7. 你决不会让一个坏男人接触你的。

    You just wouldn 't let the wrong sort of fellow touch you .

  8. 也许他是个坏男人,或者他将是个坏男人。

    Maybe he is a bad man , or he will be a bad man .

  9. 我是一个坏男人。

    You are not a bad man .

  10. 我的偏好曲线是否已朝着更钟情于坏男人特质的方向移动了呢?

    Has my preference curve simply shifted more in favour of the bad boy traits ?

  11. 嫁给了那个坏男人。

    Married to that awful man .

  12. 但对你差的坏男人呢?

    But treats you like shit ?

  13. 15种新坏男人不能要

    Refuse 15 kinds of bad boys

  14. 你无法拒绝那些甩过女朋友的坏男人。

    You can 't resist the bad boys , the ones who have dumped on other women .

  15. 他是好人,却总是为喜欢坏男人的女人吸引。

    He was a sweet guy who was perpetually attracted to women ...... who were looking for jerks .

  16. 黛安不善交际不善辨别好男人和坏男人

    Diane was so socially awkward she didn 't date enough to know a good guy from a bad guy

  17. 她说过,如果你想要停止遇到坏男人的恶性循环,那么你可以做一个净化仪式。

    She said that if you want to break the bad boyfriend cycle , you can do like a cleansing ritual .

  18. 不要误解我的意思,他不是个坏男人,只是有时候有点自私。

    Don 't get me wrong , he 's not a bad guy . it 's just that he can be selfish sometimes .

  19. 女人,当自己不能控制自己的感情时,其实真的很可怜,因为有那么多坏男人。

    Woman , when you can 't control his feeling , is actually very poor , because there are so many bad men .

  20. 有些女孩还是喜欢跟好男人作伴,独具慧眼将他们从“坏男人”堆里挑出来的。

    There are women who love the company of good guys and would pick them over the ' bad boys ' any given day .

  21. 剧中有个坏男人生气地拿着刀,他一度害怕起来,要离开剧院,我拉住了他。

    Once he was very afraid , because the bad man in the play was angry and had a knife . At first Merrick wanted to leave the theatre , but I stopped him .

  22. 他非常生那个坏男人的气,击打着椅子,站起来骂那个坏男人,但无人听见。

    Then he was very angry with this bad man in the play . He hit his hand on his chair , and stood up and talked to the man . But nobody heard him .

  23. 但坏男人绝不温吞度日,他追逐当下快乐,不怀念过往、不忧愁来日。

    A bad guy , however , doesn 't live by scruples . His main aim is to lead a happy life today . He is not bothered about his past nor worried about his future .

  24. 众所周知,坏男人在追女孩子方面很拿手,而这也是他们被称为“坏男人”的首要原因!

    Good with girls It is a known fact that bad guys know how to score with girls . It is one of the reasons why they are tagged as bad guys in the first place !

  25. 他还曾与时尚名媛达芙妮吉尼斯、模特娜奥米坎贝尔约会过。连以狂野出名的摇滚女孩科特妮洛芙都曾说巴拉斯是个坏男人。

    Thats to say nothing of his dates with fashionista Daphne Guinness and model Naomi Campbell . Indeed , even rock chick Courtney Love , renowned for her wild ways , once observed that he can be a bad boy .

  26. 很多人都有这样的疑问,为什么很多智商正常的女人会迷上坏男人,而不是那些好男人呢?原因如下:

    It does make one wonder about why anyone with enough common sense would prefer to hang out with " bad boy " instead of someone with good credentials . Here are a few reasons why girls like bad boys :

  27. 女孩一学坏,男人就追上来。

    When a girl goes bad & men go right after her .

  28. 有时我是个很坏的男人

    And sometimes I 'm a very bad boy .

  29. 女人喜欢长的坏坏的男人,并不是喜欢长坏了的男人。

    Women like long badly man , and not like long bad man .

  30. 宝莱坞大片通常会被轻视为“坏女孩、好女孩、坏男人、好男人、浪漫(没有接吻)、眼泪、爆笑、打斗、追逐、情节剧”的代名词。

    Bollywood blockbusters traditionally have been treated with disdain as " bad girl , good girl , bad guy , good guy , romance ( with no kisses ) , tears , guffaws , fights , chases , melodrama . "