
  • Bad boy;【电影】Rosszemberek
  1. 就连伦敦的坏小子设计师克里斯托弗??凯恩(ChristopherKane)也持相同观点。

    Even London 's resident bad boy Christopher Kane is of a similar mind . '

  2. 对于美国人而言,他和蔼可亲的举止与机敏的谈吐是NBA坏小子们滑稽行为的解药。

    For Americans , he 's affable demeanor and witty repartee are a welcome antidote to the antics of the NBA 's bad boys .

  3. 芝加哥公牛队的丹尼斯·罗德曼以NBA坏小子而著称,他惹麻烦人们见怪不怪。

    Dennis Rodman of the Chicago Bull is well known as the Bad Boy of America 's National Basketball Association ( NBA ), and his 110 stranger to trouble .

  4. 坏小子存钱罐(BadPiggyBank):Rovio公司正在测试的一项基于短信服务的支付系统,用户可以使用它支付游戏而无需注册或使用信用卡。

    Bad Piggy Bank & an SMS-based payment system the company is still testing that will make it possible for users to pay for games without the need to register or use a credit card .

  5. 你打算为了那个坏小子,牺牲他们的性命?

    Are you ready to sacrifice their Iives for that kid ?

  6. 我是说,我曾是那种坏小子。

    I mean , I was kind of a bad seed .

  7. 回头加在你的房租里,坏小子!

    I 'm putting this on your rent , young man !

  8. 他不是当年那个被宠坏的坏小子了萨拉

    He 's not the same spoiled frat boy , Sara .

  9. 她们喜欢坏小子,她们想要他们坏坏坏。

    They want bad boys and they want them baaaaad .

  10. 天才儿子比利坏小子的故事

    Little Genius Billy The Story of the Bad Little Boy

  11. 很好,这些坏小子有火箭发射器。

    Great . so . uh * The bad guys have rocket launchers .

  12. 《生死时速》。在我拍《坏小子》之前特别想拍。

    Speed . I wanted that bad , before I got bad boys .

  13. 你曾疑惑过为什么“坏小子”和罪犯们能泡到马子?

    Ever wonder why " bad boys " and criminals get the women ?

  14. 我们能开始将坏小子拼凑出来。

    We can start putting this bad boy together .

  15. 据我看来你不是一个坏小子。

    The way I look at it , you 're not a bad kid .

  16. 他在那儿我的坏小子是吗

    There he was -- my bad boy .

  17. 为什么那坏小子没中枪?

    About why the guy never got hit .

  18. 我要消除这群坏小子。

    I want to exterminate these guys .

  19. 坏小子的故事

    The Story of the Bad Little Boy

  20. 那坏小子上哪儿去了?

    Where 's that deuced boy ?

  21. 女孩子喜欢坏小子。

    Girls want bad boys .

  22. 我觉得自己好像坏小子的街球队,我不能工作了液氧(锁)。

    I felt like Bad Boy 's street team , I couldn 't work the Lox ( locks ) .

  23. 虽然坏小子的光荣时期过去了,比利现在却比看来以前更快乐!

    But although his days as an Outlaw are behind him , Billy seems happier than ever these days .

  24. 我知道你一直把自己当成一个坏小子,奥利弗·奎恩,但是…

    I know that you like to think of yourself as a bad boy , Oliver Queen , but ...

  25. 作为一直以来球迷们的最爱,他的职业生涯就要就此结束吗?曾经的坏小子已经成了爱家的男人了吗?

    Is this the end of the road for the longtime fan favorite and one-time bad boy turned family man ?

  26. 坏小子马龙•白兰度在影片《在江边》和《欲望号街车》中都有着令人心碎的美,充满野性的性感。

    Heartbreakingly beautiful , broodingly sexy , bad boy Marlon Brando in On the Waterfront and a Streetcar Named Desire .

  27. 但是最近据报道,因为赛琳娜打算与“坏小子“——前男友贾斯汀·比伯复合,使得泰勒与昔日最好的朋友赛琳娜分道扬镳。

    But Taylor has reportedly ditched her best friend following her decision to reunite with bad boy ex Justin Bieber .

  28. 对达拉斯和圣安东尼奥这些西南赛区的坏小子们来说,火箭就像租来的骡子般温顺。

    The bad boys of the Southwest Division , Dallas and San Antonio , own the Rockets like a rented mule .

  29. 《珍珠港》这部电影完全不同于你以前执导的商业卖座片,像《坏小子》、《摇滚》等。

    Pearl Harbor is quite a jump from the commercial hits you 've made , like Bad Boys , The Rock .

  30. 运动员和坏小子吸引女人只是因为他们是男人&这里的意义是他们拥有较高的睾丸激素水平。

    Women are attracted to the jocks and bad boys simply because they are male in the sense that they have high testosterone .