
  • 网络Mr long
  1. 史泰龙的女发言人米歇尔·贝加表示,“这绝对是一个伪造的、荒谬的故事。在今天公开它之前,没有人曾知道这个故事,包括史泰龙先生。从未有政府机构或任何其他人就这一事件联系过史泰龙先生。”

    Michelle Bega , spokeswoman for Stallone said : ' This is a ridiculous , categorically false story . No one was ever aware of this story until it was published today , including Mr. Stallone . At no time was Mr. Stallone ever contacted by any authorities or anyone else regarding this matter . '

  2. 这次改组涉及龙森先生放弃对公司的控制权。

    The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company

  3. (对机构、地方、体系等的)控制权,支配权这次改组涉及龙森先生放弃对公司的控制权。

    The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company .

  4. 阅读和高尔夫一直都是龙田斯先生的业余爱好。

    Reading and golf are past times he cherishes .

  5. 通过采访了解到,工作之余,生活对于龙田斯先生格外重要。

    In addition to his career , life is also a priority for Loontiens .

  6. 抱抱龙:抱抱熊先生,这儿的玩具每天都有人玩吗?

    Rex : Mr. Lotso , do toys here get played with everyday ?