
yǐn jiàn
  • introduce;present
引见 [yǐn jiàn]
  • [introduce;present] 引导入见

  • 大使被引见总统

引见[yǐn jiàn]
  1. 男:那么,让我来引见一下。休,这是汤姆•布鲁克斯,来自罗马IBC公司。

    MAN : Then let me introduce you . Sue , this is Tom Brooks , from IBC Rome .

  2. 在第一单元,我们学习了奈何引见某人自己。

    In Unit One , we learned how to introduce oneself .

  3. 她把我引见给了托拜厄斯爵士和克拉克夫人。

    She introduced me to Sir Tobias and Lady Clarke .

  4. 大使被引见给总统。

    The ambassador was presented to the president .

  5. 他把我引见给市长。

    He presented me to the mayor .

  6. 本论文次要引见了基于WEB的开放性实验室管理系统的设计与实现。

    This paper introduces an open WEB-based laboratory management system design and implementation .

  7. Valiant骑士,请允许我向你引见茉嘉娜小姐,受监护人。

    Knight Valiant , may I present the lady Morgana , my ward .

  8. 看看你是否能在LinkedIn通过朋友、家人、同事间接联系上你求职公司的员工,并要求朋友等人给你引见一下。

    See if you are indirectly connected via friends , family and colleagues and ask for an introduction .

  9. 次要担任向来访的客户通过PPT引见公司的状况,也就是在这次项目中我需求制造和演说PPT。

    I was responsible for general introduction of our company to the clients through the PPT which needs to be prepared for my speech .

  10. 方法1:在Linkedin上面找5个在你求职公司工作的员工。看看你是否能在LinkedIn通过朋友、家人、同事间接联系上你求职公司的员工,并要求朋友等人给你引见一下。

    Tip \# 1 : Find 5 people on LinkedIn that work at the employer 。 See if you are indirectly connected via friends , family and colleagues and ask for an introduction .

  11. 把诺瓦克引见给巴菲特的是可口可乐(Coke)前首席执行官道格拉斯•伊维斯特(DouglasIvester),当时伊维斯特提出的一个条件是巴菲特不会讨论百胜的股票。

    He was introduced to the " Oracle " by Doug Ivestor , former chief executive of Coke , who agreed on one condition : Mr Buffett would not talk about Yum 's stock .

  12. 我很高兴向你引见珊姆富勒探员。

    I wouid Iike to present to you agent Sam fuiier .

  13. 他荣幸地被引见给总督。

    He had the honor of being presented to the governor .

  14. 接待处的人把我引见给经理。

    Somebody at the reception desk referred me to the manager .

  15. 造成危险于;引见危险于。

    Pose a threat to ; present a danger to .

  16. 很愿意为您引见我们的新产品。

    I 'd like to meet you to explain our new product .

  17. 他把女友带到家里为了引见给家人。

    He took his girl friend home in order to present her .

  18. 我来引见我的几个邻居。

    Let me introduce a few of my off the grid neighbors .

  19. 对不起,我忘了替你们引见了。

    I am sorry , I forgot to introduce you .

  20. 请您引见一上你方的价格,好吗?

    Will you please let us have an idea of your price ?

  21. 能引见给她真是荣幸。

    It was a privilege to be introduced to her .

  22. 我们就是被引见过十六七次而已

    We 've only been introduced 16 or 17 times .

  23. 州长阁下,我可以向您引见约翰逊先生吗?

    Governor , may I present to you Mr Johnson ?

  24. 大卫塞茨尼克为我引见的。

    Who was introduced to me by David selznick .

  25. 约翰引见我加入这个饮酒俱乐部。

    John put me on to this drinking club .

  26. 申述正式地引见或介绍你介不介意销售进口引擎?

    To present or introduce officially . Do you mind selling imported engines ?

  27. 查尔斯,很高兴为你引见哈米什,我的未婚夫。

    Charles , I 'd like you to meet hamish , my fiancc .

  28. 很好,那我来给你引见一下我们的女主人。

    Lily : Good , then let me introduce you to our hostess .

  29. 木部要把我引见给一些要人。

    Gibe will introduce me to some important people .

  30. 过一会儿我会把你引见给校长。

    FML later on I 'd like to present you to the headteacher .