
  • 网络air-entraining agents;Air entraining admixture;AEA;FR-Y
  1. 为研究解决这一工程问题,采用正交试验设计方法,就当地混凝土材料和引气剂设计了几种水利水电工程中常用的不同强度等级混凝土。

    In order to solve this problem , different strength grades of concrete which are in common used in hydraulic engineering are prepared by use of local materials and air entraining admixture , and the cross experiment method is adopted .

  2. 研究表明,引气剂、减缩剂可以大幅降低水及饱和Ca(OH)2溶液的表面张力,减水剂可以降低水的表面张力,但在饱和石灰水中表面活性碱弱。

    The results show that air entraining admixture and shrinkage-reducing admixture can decrease surface tension of water and Ca ( OH ) 2 solution observably . Water-reducing admixture can reduce surface tension of water but has no notable effects on surface tension of saturation calcium hydroxide solution .

  3. 引气剂有助于提高混杂纤维混凝土的抗渗性。

    Air-entraining agent increases impermeability of hybrid fiber concrete .

  4. ML型引气剂在滑模摊铺混凝土路面中的应用

    Air Entraining Agent of ML Type & its Application in Slip Form Paving Cement Concrete Pavement

  5. 描述了SKH混凝土高性能引气剂的研制。

    This paper presents a study on high performance air entraining agent of SK-H type for concrete .

  6. Q-1型混凝土砂浆引气剂研制和应用

    Development and application of model Q 1 concrete air guide agent

  7. 通过实验检测了减水剂(G)、引气剂(Y)、微细集料(H)复合添加配制的混凝土的抗渗、抗蚀及部分强度性能。

    Performances of permeability resistant , corrosion resistant as well as compressive strength of the concrete mixed with water reducing agent ( G ), air entraining admixture ( Y ) and micro aggregate ( H )( GYH concrete ) were studied by experimental detecting .

  8. SK-H混凝土高性能引气剂研制

    Research on high performance air entraining agent of SK-H type for concrete

  9. 采用掺加自配引气剂和掺合料技术,研究引气剂掺量、粉煤灰掺量、胶砂比、水灰比对EPS轻混凝土的流动性以及强度的影响。

    By mixing the self-matching air-entrancing agent and admixture technique , it researched on the effects of air entrancing quanlity , fly ash quanlity , mortar paste ratio , W / C on the fluidity and strength of EPS light concrete .

  10. 为此,本文研究了几种引气剂(AEA)和孔隙质量控制剂(AVC)在改善硬化混凝土气泡参数时所起的作用。

    In this regard , several air entraining agents ( AEAs ) and air void controllers ( AVCs ) were investigated with respect to their effects to improve air void parameters in the paper .

  11. 介绍了一种主要成分由醇胺类的多元共聚物及微量泡沫稳定剂组成的新型引气剂HPS的技术特性及与国内外同类产品的性能比较。

    The technical characteristic of a new air entraining admixture ( HPS ) consisting of alcamines polyatomic copolymer as main composition and trace foam stabilizer as well as property comparison between same type of products at home and abroad are presented .

  12. GCL1与保水剂HEC、引气剂复配时,改善了水泥净浆的保水性能,提高了硬化水泥的早期及后期抗压强度。

    When GCL1 combined with water retaining admixture HEC and air entraining agent , it will further improve the water retaining performance and increase the early stage and long term compressive strength .

  13. 通过研究缓凝高效减水剂GCL1与保水剂、引气剂的配伍性能,研制了混凝土泵送剂GCL1-3。

    Concrete pumping admixture GCL1-3 was developed by studying the properties of concrete superplasticizer GCL1 combined with water retaining admixture and air entraining agent .

  14. 使用引气剂预防和限制裂纹的出现和曼延;

    Prevention of cracking and its propagation using air entraining agents ;

  15. 掺有粉煤灰和引气剂的混凝土的气体渗透性能

    Gas Permeability of Concrete with Fly Ash and Air Entraining Agent

  16. 开发新品种引气剂提高混凝土耐久性

    Development of new AE additive is vital to elevation of concrete durability

  17. 引气剂与混凝土高性能化

    Air - entraining agent effect to high performance of concrete

  18. 三是选择使用优质的引气剂。

    Third , the option of using high-quality air-entraining agent .

  19. 对混凝土引气剂的新认识

    New views on air - entraining agents of concrete

  20. 掺粉煤灰和引气剂混凝土渗透性与强度的关系

    Permeability of Concrete with Fly Ash and AEA and Its Relation with Strength

  21. 新型混凝土引气剂和防冻剂研究

    Study on Air-Entraining Agent and Anti-Freezing Agent of Concrete

  22. 各种引气剂以及抑泡剂对混凝土经时变化状态等的影响

    Effects of various AE and anti-foaming agents on the time-dependent behavior of concrete

  23. 引气剂对混凝土抗冻性能影响的研究

    Effect of air-entraining agent on antifreeze properties of concrete

  24. 掺和料及引气剂对水泥混凝土热膨胀系数的影响

    Influence of Mineral Admixtures and Air-Entraining Agent on Thermal Expansion Property of Cement-Based Materials

  25. 聚羧酸类混凝土引气剂的工程性能

    Engineering performance of polycarboxylate based air entraining agent

  26. 推广应用引气剂提高混凝土耐久性

    Increasing the Durability of the Concrete through Popularizing the Application of the Air-entraining Agent

  27. 新型混凝土引气剂&RSF

    A New Kind of Concrete Air Entraining agent-RSF

  28. 引气剂与粉煤灰对大流动性轻集料混凝土性能的影响

    Effect of air-entrained admixture and fly ash on property of large flowing lightweight concrete

  29. 研究了活性组分及少量的引气剂对水泥性能的影响。

    The effect of activity components and initiator on cement property has been discussed .

  30. 该引气剂与其它类型外加剂可复合使用,应用方便。

    The air - retraining agent could be conveniently applied with other type admixture together .