
  • 网络cavitation
  1. 同时,含砂水流通过各种水力机械(如水泵、水轮机等)、水工建筑时存在严重的空蚀现象有待研究,固、液、气多相流动的研究也很不完善。

    The cavitation of waterpower mechanism ( such as pump and water motor ) and water project construction through water current with sand need studying . The research of three multiphase of solid and liquid and gas has not been perfect .

  2. 论述了空化现象的影响因素及类型。进一步探讨了空化水流及空蚀现象对水工建筑物的危害,并对现有的研究方法进行了分析。

    This paper discusses the type and influence factor of hollow corruption phenomena , studies the harm of hollow corruption streams and hollow erosion phenomena to hydraulic structure and analyses existing studying methods .

  3. 空蚀空化现象与液压系统新进展

    Phenomenon of cavitation and damage and new development of hydraulic system