
  • 网络airspace management
  1. 2014年,我国民航航班正点率为68%,比上一年的72%有所降低。旧的空域管理体制影响了民航业的发展,的确到了“不改不行,非改不可”的地步。

    The proportion of flights being punctual in our country dropped from 72 percent in 2013 to 68 percent last year , which indicates that the traditional airspace management system has hindered the development of the civil aviation industry and has to be reformed as soon as possible .

  2. 空域管理主要是对一个国家的空域(Airspace)进行管理,以确保其正确、安全、有效的使用,它包括空域的设计、分配等诸多内容。

    The main responsibility of Airspace Management is to manage the airspace of a country in order to ensure the appropriate , secure and effective use of the airspace , and Airspace Management includes many contents such as airspace design , airspace distribution etc.

  3. 空域管理与评估系统的设计与实现

    Design & Implementation of the Air Space Management and Evaluation System

  4. 空管新技术在低空空域管理中的应用

    Application of New ATM Technology in Low Attitude Space Management

  5. 空域管理中一些问题的探讨

    A Study on Certain Problems Regarding Airspace Management

  6. 这一点在空域管理方面体现得最为明显。

    This is most striking in airspace management .

  7. 中间件技术在空域管理和评估系统中的应用

    The Application of the Middleware Technology in the Air Space Management and Evaluation System

  8. 改动辅阀位置;空域管理和评估系统中空域辅助系统的设计

    Changing position of the auxiliary valve ; Study of Designing for Air Space Auxiliary System

  9. 本文是基于三层结构和中间件技术在空域管理与评估系统的设计和实现。

    This paper discusses the design and implementation of ASMES based on the technology of three-tier architecture and middleware .

  10. 据悉,中国明年将推行低空空域管理改革,低空空域将对私人飞机开放。

    China has said it will carry out reforms next year to further open up low-altitude airspace to private airplanes .

  11. 然后对空域管理辅助决策系统进行了总体设计,并在总体框架下,对系统的主体功能模块进行了初步设计。

    Secondly , the thesis makes a gross design of an airspace management decision support system , designs the main module of the system .

  12. 空域管理和飞行任务需要的,可以划设空中走廊、空中放油区和临时飞行空域。

    Air corridors , fuel dumping areas and temporary flight airspace may be established when necessary for the need of airspace management and flight missions .

  13. 随着近年来我国民用航空业务的快速增长,日益增加的空中交通流量给我国的空域管理部门和空中交通管制单位带来了前所未有的挑战。

    In recent years , with the high-speed development in aviation , the continuous increasing Air Traffic brings great challenge to Chinese Air Traffic Management Department .

  14. 采用面向对象技术和嵌套表技术设计和实现了空域管理与评估系统中的核心和难点&空域数据访问

    Design and realize the core and nodus of AirSpace Management and Evaluation System - Airspace Data Access based on object oriented technology and nested table technology

  15. 低空空域管理的规划和运作,以及通用航空飞行的审批规定预计将于年底前发布。

    New regulations on airspace planning and operation as well as applications for general aviation flights are expected to be issued before the end of the year .

  16. 最后讨论了空中交通管理,并对空域管理和空中交通流量管理作了重点研究。

    Finally , This paper also covers the air traffic management . It consists of the space management ( ASM ) and air traffic flow management ( ATFM ) .

  17. 它是一种协同合作的理念,通过整合空域管理者(空管)和使用者(机场和航空公司)提供的数据得出更准确的信息,并且使管理者和和使用者共享决策信息。

    CDM reflects a collaborative concept , which manages to obtain more accurate information through integrating the data provided by airspace manager ( air traffic control ) and the users ( airport and airlines ) so that the manager and users could share decision-making information .

  18. 目前允许无人机进入国家空域的管理规定还未出台(相关制度将于2015年推出),针对像Solara这样大型无人机的管理制度应该会非常严格。

    While rules governing UAS integration into the national airspace are pending ( delivery of a regulatory framework is slated for 2015 ) , the rules attached to larger UAS like the planned Solara are expected to be fairly strict .

  19. 关于北京地区空域实施统一管理的设想

    With Regard to Tentative Idea of Implementing Unified Management for Beijing Area Airspace

  20. 美国联邦航空管理局表示,由于俄罗斯单方面采取非法行动控制了克里米亚的空域,航空管理局将采取措施应对,并对乌克兰政府和俄罗斯政府可能发出矛盾的空管指令进行了评级。

    The FAA says it took the action due to Russia 's unilateral and illegal action to assert control over Crimean airspace , rating the potential for conflicting air traffic control instructions from Ukrainian and Russian authorities .

  21. 对空域进行科学统筹管理,实现空域使用的效益最大化极为重要。

    Airspace management means how to maximize the profit of the airspace resource under properly planning and managing .

  22. 空域是航空器的活动区域,是国家重要资源,其管理和使用在空中交通管理系统中处于先导地位,关系到整个系统的安全和效率,受到空域管理者及用户的高度重视。

    The airspace is the active area of aircraft and important resource of nation . The management and use are the key point which affects the safety and efficiency of air transportation management system .