
léi dá ɡuǎn zhì
  • radar-based control
  1. 雷达管制航向265下降到6000英尺。

    Under radar control heading 265 descend to 6000 feet .

  2. 基于设计模式的雷达管制席的设计和开发

    The Research and Development of the SDD System Based on the Design Pattern

  3. 雷达管制空域信号覆盖评估系统的研究与开发

    Study and Development of System That Anticipate Aviation-communication Overlay on Space of Radar-control

  4. 进近雷达管制调速问题研究

    Study on Speed Adjustment in Approach Radar Control

  5. 如何充分发挥雷达管制的优势

    How to Take Full Advantage of Radar Control

  6. 雷达管制软件系统的开发和研究

    Development and Design of Radar Control Software System

  7. 1946年,民航局宣布开启塔台用雷达管制民航飞机的实验。

    In1946 , the CAA unveiled an experimental radar-equipped tower for control of civil flights .

  8. 上海至日本福冈的航班实行雷达管制移交

    Shanghai-Fukuoka Flights Shift to Radar Control

  9. 当我们的飞机距离旧金山机场50英里以内的时候,就进入了终端雷达管制区。

    When your descending plane is50 miles from the San Francisco airport , it is within TRACON airspace .

  10. 对进近雷达管制中的调速问题进行了较全面的讨论。

    An overall discussion is given on the speed adjustment for a radar system beaning in the vicinity of the final approach area .

  11. 当飞机离开终端雷达管制区时,起飞管制人员将飞机交由指挥中心管制人员负责。

    When your plane leaves TRACON airspace , the departure controller passes your plane off to the center controller ( ARTCC controller ) .

  12. 该产品现已作为空中交通雷达管制中心系统的一部分在民航的空中交通管制工作中发挥着重要的作用。

    This product already took the radar ATC system a part is playing the vital role in the commercial aviation air traffic control work .

  13. 空管模拟训练系统是一种仿真应用系统,其产品系列包括程序管制模拟机、雷达管制模拟机和塔台管制模拟机等。

    ATC simulator training system is a kind of emulational application system . The product serials include digital procedure simulator , digital radar simulator and digital tower simulator etc.

  14. 研究了在危险天气条件下,在雷达管制空域下,计算航空器预达时间的问题。

    Discussing problems of how to forecast ETA ( estimated time of arrival ) in given bad weather conditions of an air-space within the reach of monitoring radars .

  15. 本地机场,终端雷达管制区及指挥中心的管制人员还必须有着良好的三维空间感。灌区管理员:负责监管灌区的人员。

    Local , TRACON and ARTCC controllers must be able to think and visualize in three dimensions . ditch rider ; waterman : Person responsible for supervising an irrigation area .

  16. 本方案是针对民航机场管制中心而设计的自动化管制系统,为机场管制人员提供自动化的管制手段,为实现机场雷达管制提供必要条件。

    This scheme of automatic control system is designed for the control center of civil aviation airport . It provides automatic control means for airport control personnel and is necessary for realizing airport radar control .

  17. 高级雷达交通管制系统

    Advanced radar traffic control system

  18. 第四部分是对雷达模拟机管制案例课件制作系统的设计。

    The fourth part designs the CCS .

  19. 到1952年,航空局开启了第一个正式的雷达进离场管制。

    By1952 , the agency had begun its first routine use of radar for approach and departure control .

  20. 机场场面监视雷达是机场塔台管制人员进行机场和地面管制的重要设备。

    Field surveillance radar is the very important equipment for tower controllers to control the airport and field .

  21. DRS系列雷达模拟机系统利用计算机仿真技术,对现实的雷达管制工作进行模拟,以达到对管制员培训的目的。

    The DRS ( Digital Radar Simulation ) system simulates the operation of radar controlling for controllers training by computer emulation .

  22. 为进一步提高管制员培训的质量,我们在DRS系列雷达模拟机系统的基础上,开发了雷达模拟机管制案例课件制作系统,即CCS系统。

    For further improving the quality of the training , we developed the CCS ( Digital Radar Simulation Control Case Courseware Creating System ) on the base of DRS system .

  23. 雷达精度与飞行安全方面,本文首先建立了雷达测量误差模型和航空器近距离进近概率模型,然后根据雷达管制自身特点对EVENT模型进行了改进,建立了雷达水平间隔模型。

    This thesis firstly establishes error distribution model of radar measurement and aircraft close approach probability model and then improves the EVENT model according to the radar control system features to build up radar horizontal separation model .