
  • 网络Quake;Thor's Hammer;THOR;Quake III;Mjollnir
  1. “我们利用虚拟现实技术设计了这个实验,”哈萨比斯说,“人们可以在这个虚拟世界自由行动,就像玩《雷神之锤》游戏一样。

    ' We basically created an experiment with a virtual reality environment ,' says Hassabis ,' which people navigated around , like playing Quake .

  2. 尽管这些服务物有所值,但在整个《雷神之锤在线版》社区中的接受速度非常缓慢。

    Even though these services offer great value for the money , they have been slow to be adopted by the entire Quake Live community .

  3. 前大灯被设计成一种与众不同的形状,这种形状被称为“雷神之锤(Thor'sHammer)”。

    The front headlights are in a distinctive shape known as " Thor 's Hammer . "

  4. S90同样配备了“T”字型LED大灯——取意于挪威神话中的“雷神之锤”,其格栅由23根呈现弧度的钢栏组成。

    The S90 has the same , T-shaped LED headlights - a nod to Thor 's hammer from Norse mythology - and a grille made of 23 rods of curved iron .

  5. 雷神之锤的场景中,可爱的幽灵四处乱窜。

    Quake scenes , the ghost of a lovely four rampant .

  6. 因为我必须用雷神之锤去杀一个神!

    And I need the hammer to kill a god !

  7. 《雷神之锤在线版》已经度过了精彩的一年,大大超过我的预计。

    Quake Live has had a excellent first year , surpassing my expectations .

  8. 《雷神之锤在线版》也有个类似的系统。

    Quake Live has a similar system .

  9. 好友列表和档案页面给《雷神之锤在线版》添加了更加社交化的一面。

    The friends list and profile pages add a more social side to Quake Live .

  10. 他扔出雷神之锤后,锤子会神奇地回到他的手中,像回力镖一样。

    When he threw Mjollnir , it returned magically to his hand like a boomerang .

  11. 在《雷神之锤在线版》的第一年里,我们得知游戏将会出现包月服务。

    During Quake Live 's first year , we knew that there would be a subscription service arriving for the game .

  12. 不管你是在玩《雷神之锤4》(Quake4)游戏、处理高分辨率照片还是观看高清视频,图片都相当平稳、精确和真实。

    The graphics are smooth , detailed and realistic whether you are playing Quake 4 , finessing high-resolution photos or watching high-definition video .

  13. 《雷神之锤在线版》依然通过广告的支持保留着免月费模式并且游戏内容的品质和最初发布时的同样优秀。

    The free-to-play side of Quake Live is still available , supported by ads and with the same great content Quake Live released with .

  14. 当我第一次写《雷神之锤在线版》评测时,我对这款游戏未来的一大担忧在于专业玩家方面。

    When I first wrote my review of Quake Live , one of my concerns for the future of the game was the pro scene .

  15. 内建的家族系统是对于许多在线射击类游戏而言必不可少的特性,而《雷神之锤在线版》是我见过把这一点做得最好的游戏之一。

    A built-in clan system is a must-have feature for many online shooters , and Quake Live has one of the best implementations I 've seen .

  16. 《雷神之锤在线版》的官方论坛社区正不断壮大,而开发者也参与了进去,主要是在建议和支持板块发表留言。

    Quake Live has a growing community on the official forums , which the developers do get involved in , mainly commenting on the suggestions and support threads .

  17. 由于高速的节奏和大部分玩家的高技术水平,想要在雷神之锤系列游戏中小有成就并不容易。

    The Quake series has always been a hard game to do well at , due to its fast-paced nature and the high skill level of most players .

  18. 自古以来,在神话故事中,“神兵赠勇士”一直是永恒不变的主题。从宙斯的雷霆之杖到托尔的雷神之锤,几乎每一种文化里的神和英雄都至少有一把标志性武器。

    Always in the hand of a legendary warrior , weapons imbued with magic or supernatural powers have long been a part of mythology . From Zeus 's thunderbolts to Mjolnir , nearly every civilization has at least one example of a weapon that helps some gods or heroes throughout history .

  19. 雷神最重要的武器是那只具有神力的雷神之锤Mjollnir,这是侏儒工匠为他锻造的。

    The thunder god 's chief weapon was his mighty hammer Mjollnir , which the dwarfs had forged for him .