
  • 网络Radar anti-jamming;ECCM
  1. 本文主要研究了雷达抗干扰效果评估的准则和方法问题。

    In this dissertation , a study is performed about rules and methods of evaluation on effects of radar ECCM .

  2. 分析了雷达抗干扰性能的影响因素,并据此建立了具有较好完备性的雷达抗干扰效能评估指标集。

    The influence factors of radar ECCM performance are analyzed , and the index set which has better maturity is constructed accordingly . 3 .

  3. 基于AHP雷达抗干扰效果评估分析研究

    A Study on Radar Anti-jamming Effect Evaluation Based on AHP

  4. 基于ICA的主、被动雷达抗干扰性能研究

    A Method Based On Independent Component Analysis Used For Active / Passive Radar System Anti-Jamming

  5. 系统分析了两种雷达抗干扰效能评估方法:模糊层次评估法和SVM评估法。

    Two evaluation methods on the effects of radar ECCM which are based on fuzzy AHP and SVM are analyzed , respectively .

  6. WSEIAC系统效能评估模型在雷达抗干扰中的应用

    Application of WSEIAC System Effectiveness Estimation Model in Radar Anti-jamming System

  7. 雷达抗干扰能力度量方法的研究

    A study of the methods for measuring radar 's ECCM performance

  8. 仿真试验表明该方法可以有效评估雷达抗干扰能力。

    Simulation experiment shows that the method is reasonable and effective .

  9. 雷达抗干扰性能的测量研究

    An study of the measurement of the anti-jamming property of radar

  10. 基于半实物/数字仿真的相控阵雷达抗干扰性能评估

    Anti-jamming performance evaluation of PAR based on hardware-in-loop / computer simulation

  11. 某型机载雷达抗干扰效果评估软件实现

    Implementation of Anti-jamming Performance Evaluation Software for a Certain Airborn Radar

  12. 一种基于神经网络的雷达抗干扰效能评估方法

    A neural network-based method of making performance evaluation of radar ECCM

  13. 基于典范相关分析的雷达抗干扰技术研究

    An Anti-jamming Technology for Radar Based on Canonical Correlation Analysis

  14. 雷达抗干扰中的极化技术

    Application of Polarization Technique in Radar Anti - jamming System

  15. 基于1-1原则的雷达抗干扰措施优化选取

    Optimizing Selection of Radar Electronic Counter-Countermeasures Based on 1-1 Principle

  16. 舰载雷达抗干扰效能模型研究雷达抗干扰效能评估方法探讨

    The Study of Efficacy Assessment Model of Anti-jamming Given to Shipboard Radars

  17. 雷达抗干扰效果评估方法探讨

    A study on the evaluation method of radar anti - jamming effect

  18. 极化技术在雷达抗干扰接收中的应用研究

    Application of Polarization Technique in the Radar Antijamming Receiving System

  19. 一种改进的米波圆阵雷达抗干扰方法

    A Modified Approach to Anti-jamming of Meter-band Circular Array Radars

  20. 预警机雷达抗干扰性能的分析与仿真

    Analysis and Simulation of Anti-jamming Performance of Early Warning Aircraft

  21. 某炮位侦校雷达抗干扰能力测量研究

    Measuring Research on Anti-jamming Ability for an Artillery Locating and Firing Correction Radar

  22. 战术条件下搜索雷达抗干扰性能的评估模型

    A Model for Evaluating the Search Radars ' Anti-jamming Performances in Tactical Circumstance

  23. 雷达抗干扰性能定量测试技术的研究

    Research on the Quantitative Test of Radar Antijamming Performances

  24. 雷达抗干扰性能评估一直是一个技术难题。

    The evaluation of radar antijamming performances has always been a difficult problem .

  25. 一种新的评估雷达抗干扰效果试验方法

    A New Test Method of Radar Anti-jamming Performance Evaluation

  26. 超视距雷达抗干扰与目标检测方法

    Suppressing Interference and Target Detection for Over-the-horizon Radar

  27. 舰炮跟踪雷达抗干扰性能评估准则与指标研究

    Study of Evaluation Criterion and Index of Anti-jamming Capability of Naval Gun Tracking Radar

  28. 电子吊舱在现代雷达抗干扰测试中的设计应用

    Design and Application of Electronic Pod in the Test of ECCM of Modern Radar

  29. 临近空间双基地雷达抗干扰能力分析

    Anti-jamming Capability Analysis for Nearby Space Bistatic Radar

  30. 干扰功率控制技术在雷达抗干扰测试中的应用

    Application of Power Control Technology for Interference System in the Test of Radar Anti-jamming