
  • 网络Propagation path
  1. 因此在进行LMDS系统设计时要考虑传播路径上可能的反射波影响。

    The reflection wave affection through the propagation path need to be considered when designing the LMDS system .

  2. 分析了开关变换电路中的传导EMI的传播路径,介绍了EMI电源滤波器的工作原理以及EMI电源滤波器的设计。

    The Paper analyzes the conducting EMI propagation path of converter , and presents the working principle of EMI power filter and the design of EMI power filter .

  3. 局部放电电磁波在GIS中传播路径的分析

    Analysis on the Propagation Routes of Electromagnetic Waves of Partial Discharge in GIS

  4. 基于MATLAB语言的电波传播路径损耗的仿真

    Simulation of the Path Loss for Radio Wave Propagation Based on MATLAB Language

  5. 基于多传播路径的VOD服务QoS保证的新构架

    New video-on-demand service architecture using multi-spread path to guarantee QoS

  6. 文中提出了一个多路径构造方法,该方法通过CA之间传播路径构造请求信息从而构造出所有的证书路径。

    This paper proposes a multipath construction method which can construct all certificate paths by transmitting path construction request messages among CAs .

  7. 在Y型和S型SAW质量沉积效应传感器件的传播路径上都有一个由光刻工艺精确定位的质量沉积区。

    There is a mass loading area located accurately in each acoustic path and fabricated by photolithography technology in Y type and S type mass loading sensor devices .

  8. 利用GIS的地形分析技术对电波的传播路径进行分析,并考虑地形及遮挡物的影响,实现电波绕射算法。

    The terrain analysis technologies of the GIS are used to analyze the propagating path , and the diffraction propagation arithmetic is realized which have considered the affection of the terrain .

  9. 不过,两载波信号L1和L2之间的传播路径差异会给双频方法带来误差。

    However , slightly different paths of carrier L1 and L2 will bring errors to estimations of the dual-frequency method .

  10. 电离层延迟误差产生的原因是由于GPS信号在经过充满自由电子的电离层时,传播路径发生弯曲,速度发生改变,使得实际值不等于真实值。

    The ionosphere delay error is one of the errors , it caused due to the GPS signals path bending and speed changed when go through the ionosphere that full of free electrons .

  11. 共模干扰和差模干扰是传导EMI的两种传导形式,本文从产生源、传播路径方面分别对共模干扰和差模干扰进行了论述。

    CM and DM are the two conducted form of the conducted EMI , this paper discuss the CM and DM in the noises .

  12. 其速度(距离变化率)误差是利用与距离误差△R之间的关系得到,而△R由微波辐射计在电波传播路径上直接测量大气辐射亮度温度得到。

    The error of missile speed was deduced by the distance error . The distance error was obtained by a microwave radiometer directly detecting the atmospheric radiation brightness temperature on the path of radio wave propagation .

  13. 利用得到的声波实际传播路径,用声学CT算法重建了温度场,结果表明考虑声波折射后建立的声学法二维温度场精确度得到提高。

    Reconstructed temperature fields , calculated by acoustic CT algorithm and starting from actual propagation paths of sonic waves already obtained that the accuracy of 2-dimensional temperature fields obtained by acoustic algorithm is improved by taking into account of the sonic waves ' refraction .

  14. 提出了故障Petri网的诊断算法,该算法具有并行推理能力,同时可以得到推理后系统的全部状态值,也可以方便快速地找出故障的传播路径。

    The diagnosis algorithm of fault Petri net is put forward , which has the ability to reason paralleling and to obtain all state results after reasoning , as well as quickly find out fault propagation routes .

  15. 使用时域电磁场数值计算方法计算白天全海水传播路径电波传播的衰减,分析复杂边界条件中VLF电波传播损耗,并对波导边界变化对VLF传播特性的影响作了讨论。

    The attenuation on the sea is computed using electromagnetic calculation method and the attenuation of propagation is analyzed on the complicated boundary conditions .

  16. 紧接着在第二章中,文章对PH55D8采用的光学模块分解阐述:光引擎的内部结构、光线的传播路径、LCOS芯片的成像原理等等。

    On the second chapter , mainly show the optical engine module ' architecture 、 the path of the light and the LCOS module ' process .

  17. 由于PS转换波传播路径的不对称,转换点与中心点不在同一水平位置,这就造成了PS转换波时距曲线的非双曲特性。在大炮检距情况下这种情况尤为明显。

    Because of the dissymmetry which spread path of the PS converted wave , the converted point with central point not at same level position , this resulted in time-distance of PS converted wave being apart from hyperbolic .

  18. 定性故障诊断的一个分支&符号有向图(signeddirectedgraph,简称SDG),是一种根原因分析方法,用于揭示故障传播路径,即剧情,便于实施复杂故障剧情的深度分析和诊断。

    A branch of the qualitative diagnosis & Signed Directed Graph ( SDG ) is a root cause analysis , which could reveal fault propagation path , and implement depth analysis and diagnosis of complex failure scenario conveniently .

  19. 基于图论的符号有向图(signeddirectedgraph,SDG)故障诊断是定性故障诊断的一个分支,能够反映流程系统的变量和变量间的关系,表达系统复杂的因果关系,进而揭示故障传播路径。

    Graph theory-based Signed Directed Graph ( SDG ) is a branch of fault diagnosis , which can reflect the process variables and the relationship between variables , express complex systems of causality , and revealing the fault propagation path .

  20. 在DSSS系统中,由于采用相关接收,只要各多途传播路径的时延大于扩频码的码片间隔,接收机即可很好的抑制多途扩展导致的码间干扰。

    In the DSSS system , because of the adoption of correlative receiver , the ISI could be suppressed effectively as long as the multipath propagation delay is greater than the chip interval .

  21. 本文对蒲城至东风、昆明、上海三条传播路径bpl地波场强监测数据进行了统计分析。

    This paper analyses the statistical data of monitoring the BPL groundwave field intensty on the three paths from Pucheng to dongfeng , Kunming and shanghai .

  22. 由于传导干扰的路径和上下桥臂IGBT的开通和关断有很大关系,因此分析了IGBT不同的开关状态下的共模干扰和差模干扰的传播路径及其共模干扰和差模干扰传播的特点。

    Because There is a relationship between the loop of conducted interference and turn-on and turn-off of the up and down bridge arm IGBTs , analyze the loop of CM interference and DM interference as the state of IGBT .

  23. 传播路径位于冀中坳陷和黄骅坳陷等平原区表现为低Q0值;

    There are higher Q 0 values on propagating paths located in upwelling areas , and lower Q 0 values in depression areas .

  24. 本文基于统计能量分析方法对FPSO生活区舱室进行噪声预报,并分析噪声传播路径,进而进行降噪研究。

    This paper gives the noise prediction of the living cabins of FPSO based on statistic energy analysis method , and the method of noise control treatment are studied after analyzing the noise transmission path .

  25. 因传播路径中障碍物的遮挡,功率衰减、多径及互相关干扰等问题均成为微弱GNSS信号接收技术研究的挑战。

    Due to propagation obstacles in such environment , the received signal usually suffers heavy power attenuation multipath effects and cross-correlation interference , which is a big challenge for the research on technology of weak GNSS signal receiving .

  26. 波射线的分析表明,在纬向基本气流为常数的情况下,辐散风作用下的低频Rossby波从初始位置到反射纬度的传播路径表现为一段光滑的大弧;

    Rossby wave ray analysis indicates that for the constant zonal basic flow , the path along which Rossby wave with divergent wind propagates from initial location to reflection latitude is regarded as a piece of smooth arc .

  27. 我们分析了对Serpent密码的Square攻击,Serpent密码的按比特线性混合运算打乱了所构造Multiset的传播路径,使得攻击只能进行到3轮Serpent密码。

    We analyse the Square attack against Serpent which is bit-oriented cipher , and the result shows that Square attack on Serpent is weak , because the bit-oriented linear operations interrupt the rules of propagation for active and passive Multiset .

  28. 其思想就是通过对无线电传播路径损耗模型以及大量实测数据的分析,用分段线性逼近的方法得到RSSI、LQI这2者与传播距离的衰落曲线。

    By analyzing the model of radio wave propagation loss and empirical data from real measurement , our idea is to use discrete linear lines to approximate the real attenuation of RSSI and LQI .

  29. 本文从VSP观测方式及地震波的传播路径入手,指出了误差来源,得出了该误差与倾角大小、检波器位置及走廊的关系,导出了走廊叠加倾角时差校正公式。

    Starting from VSP surveying geometry and spreading path of seismic wave , the paper pointed out the source of the errors , got the relationship between the error and dip size , geophone position and corridor and deduced DMO formula for corridor stack .

  30. 通过石油价格对我国物价影响的供求分析、AD-AS机理分析,清楚的阐释了石油价格上涨对我国物价影响的传播路径。

    Thesis interprets the propagation paths of petroleum price rises on effect of price through the supply and demand analysis about petroleum price on effect of domestic prices and the AD-AS analysis .