- height of a transfer unit

By correlating the experimental data , equations for calculating the pressure drop , packing factor , flooding gas velocity and gas phase overall height of a transfer unit were obtained . The calculated results were in conformity with the experimental data , which maximum deviation was 17 % .
The result showed that the mass transfer efficiency of RPB increased correspond to the F and β in low rotating speed .
The minimum liquid & vapor ratio and the Height of Mass Transfer Unit " HTU " can be obtained in lack of interphase heat transfer coefficient by the model .
The Sauter mean diameter of droplets , dispersed phase hold up and height of mass transport unit are studied respectively .
The correlations of the packing factor of pressure drop , packing factor of flooding point , and HTU of the true liquid phase mass transfer were obtained .
Meanwhile , a correlation of HTU of mesh plate column with the factors such as rotating speed , flow rate , viscosity and holding-up rate is obtained .
Through regressing experimental data , the correlative expressions of the axial backmixing parameter Pe and the pressure drop of packing layer Δ p / Z and the height of mass transfer unit H OG were obtained .
Under the same dispersed phase flow rate , the HTU is only 1 / 2 ~ 1 / 3 and the extraction efficiency is 2 ~ 3 times higher in spray extraction than that in liquid-liquid extraction .