
  • 网络Transfer;transfer molding;Micro-transfer Forming
  1. 耐高温绝缘GFRP管的真空辅助树脂传递成型工艺研究

    Study on vacuum assisted resin transfer molding for high-temperature resisting and insulating GFRP tube

  2. 用控制体/有限元方法建立了树脂传递成型工艺过程中树脂流动和温度变化的数学模型。

    A mathematical model of resin flow and temperature variation in the filling stage of the resin transfer molding ( RTM ) is developed based on the control volume / finite element method ( CV / FEM ) .

  3. 树脂传递成型(RTM)工艺中的模具设计技术

    Mould Design Technology in RTM

  4. 模压树脂传递成型工艺中的树脂流动性研究

    Study of the resin fluidity during mrtp ' processing

  5. 利用树脂传递模塑成型的原理,通过阴离子聚合制得了碳纤维增强MC尼龙。

    MC nylon reinforced with carbon fiber was prepared through anion polymerization .

  6. 树脂传递模塑成型工艺(ResinTransferMoulding,简称RTM)是低成本制造高性能复合材料的新工艺之一,在成型大尺寸,复杂形状的复合材料制品方面得以广泛应用。

    RTM ( Resin Transfer Moulding ) is one of ways to product high-performance composites with low cost , which has been applied for making big size or complex composites .

  7. FEP传递模塑成型工艺的研究

    Study on FEP Transfer Moulding Process

  8. 树脂传递模塑成型(ResinTransferMoulding,RTM)工艺是目前复合材料制造工艺中发展速度最快的工艺之一,合理的工艺参数是保证RTM制品质量的关键。

    Resin Transfer Moulding ( RTM ) process is one of the fastest developing process for producing composite materials , reasonable process parameters guarantee the quality of the products .

  9. 产品可用于树脂传递模塑成型(RTM),真空成型及拉挤成型等加工工艺,如汽车车顶内饰,变压器用绝缘材料。

    It can be used for RTM , Infusion , Pultrusion process . eg , automotive inner decorative parts and cable insulation materials .

  10. 树脂传递模塑成型工艺(RTM)以其生产效率高、投资低、工作环境好、工艺适应性强等优点而得到广泛应用。

    Resin transfer molding ( RTM ) is widely used for the characteristics of high production efficiency , low investment , good working environment , strong craft compatibility , and so on .

  11. 真空辅助树脂传递模塑成型(VARTM)工艺是一种新型的泡沫夹芯结构板成型方法,该工艺具有成型快、环保、成本低等优点,所得制品质轻、性能好。

    Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding ( VARTM ) process is a new type of sandwich structure molding method , which is rapid molding , environmental-friendly and cost-efficiency . Products prepared with this processing method is light-weighted and with good properties .

  12. 计算机辅助树脂传递模塑成型工艺系统研究

    Research on computer aided resin transfer molding process planning system

  13. 微电子塑封传递模塑成型技术的分析与研究

    The Analysis and Research of Transfer Molding Technology in Micro-electronics Plastics Packages

  14. 用于树脂传递模塑成型的苯乙炔封端的酰亚胺预聚体制备

    Preparation of Resin Transfer Moldable Phenylethyl-terminated Imide Oligomers

  15. 一种适合于树脂传递模塑成型工艺的树脂基体及其碳纤维复合材料性能

    Study on properties of matrix resins and carbon fiber composites for resin transfer moulding

  16. 本文系统研究了工艺参数对由树脂传递模塑成型的复合材料的拉伸强度和树脂-纤维界面的影响。

    In this study , systematic investigation on influence of processing variables on the tensile strength and resin fiber interface of composite prepared by resin transfer moulding process was carried out .

  17. 介绍了复合材料汽车制动缸的材料设计和制造工艺,提出采用模压成型和树脂传递模塑成型制造工艺,采用碳纤和玻纤混杂增强环氧树脂可以获得高质量的制动缸。

    The material design and fabrication process was studied . It was suggested that to obtain high quality brake cylinder , hybrid carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin and molding press forming should be employed .

  18. 叙述了聚全氟乙烯(FEP)树脂的压缩、注射、真空、传递和旋转成型的原理、方法、工艺和设备。

    Principle , method and equipment of compression , injection , vacuum , transmission and rotatory molding for fluorinated ethylene-propylene ( FEP ) are reviewed .

  19. 采用四步法编织技术,对三维整体编织管增强体进行了设计,利用树脂传递模塑工艺成型了复合材料管,并测试了其拉伸性能。

    D integrally braided composite pipes were designed by four step braiding method . Composite pipes were made by RTM and tensile property was tested .