
  • 网络epidemic model
  1. 含有免疫作用的SIR传染病模型在复杂网络上的动力学行为

    Dynamic Behavior of SIR Epidemic Model with Immunity on Complex Networks

  2. 一类具有扩散的SI传染病模型

    The study on a kind of diffusive SI epidemic model

  3. 具有常数脉冲免疫SI传染病模型的稳定性

    The Stability of SI Infective Model with Constant Impulsive Immunity

  4. 一类具有时滞和阶段结构的SI传染病模型的稳定性分析

    Stability Analysis of an SI Epidemic Model with Time Delay and Stage-Structure

  5. 具有脉冲接种和脉冲出生的SIR传染病模型

    The SIR Epidemic Model with Birth Pulse and Pulse Vaccination

  6. 具有饱和治疗率的SIR传染病模型的后向分支

    Backward Bifurcation an SIR Epidemic Model with Saturated Treatment Rate

  7. 研究如下一类具有标准发生率的SI型传染病模型。

    An SI epidemic model with standard incidence rate as follow is investigated .

  8. 一类带时滞的SIR传染病模型的稳定性

    Stability of an SIR Epidemic Model with Time Delay

  9. 一类带有种痘的齐次SIR传染病模型分析

    Analysis of a homogeneous SIR epidemic model with vaccination

  10. 一类带脉冲接种和脉冲剔除的SIR传染病模型的稳定性态

    Stability Properties in an SIR Epidemic Model With Pulse Vaccination and Pulse Elimination

  11. 具有阶段结构和非线性接触率的SI传染病模型的渐近性态

    The Asymptotic Behavior of a SI Epidemic Model with Stage-Structure and Nonlinear Contact Number

  12. SIR传染病模型的阈值也能够得到。

    The threshold for SIR epidemic is obtained .

  13. 具有阶段结构的SI传染病模型

    A SI Epidemic Model with two-stage structure

  14. 非线性接触率和种群动力学对SI传染病模型的影响

    Influence of Nonlinear Incidence Rate and Population Dynamics upon the Behavior of SI Epidemiological Model

  15. 一类具有阶段结构和接种的SIR传染病模型

    An SIRS Epidemic Model with Stage Structure

  16. 文章研究了一类具有脉冲接种和脉冲剔除的SIR传染病模型的动力学性态。

    An SIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and pulse elimination is considered in this paper .

  17. 一类具Logistic增长的SIS传染病模型的周期解

    Periodic solution of a epidemiological model of SIS type with Logistic rate

  18. 应用分歧理论讨论带反应扩散项的SIR传染病模型的定态分歧解的存在唯一性、稳定性和全局分歧性态。

    The solution of steady-state bifurcation and its stability of SIR epidemic models with reaction-diffusion term are discussed .

  19. 两种群相互竞争的具有脉冲出生率的SIS传染病模型

    A SIS Epidemic Model of Two Competitive Species with Birth Pulses

  20. 一类具有标准发生率的SIS传染病模型的全局稳定性

    Global Stability of an SIS Epidemic Model with Standard Incidence Rate

  21. 一类具扩散的SIRS传染病模型解的渐近性质

    Asymptotic Properties of Solutions to a SIRS Epidemic Model With Diffusion

  22. 按时滞转化的阶段结构SIS传染病模型

    A SIS Epidemic Model with Stage-structure and Time Delay

  23. 两种群相互竞争的SIRS传染病模型的持续生存

    Persistence of an SIRS Epidemic Model of Two Competitive Species

  24. 一类时滞SIS传染病模型的讨论

    Study for A SIS Epidemic Model with Delay

  25. 连续接种的具有年龄结构的SIS型传染病模型

    Age-structured SIS Communicable Disease Model with Continuous Vaccination

  26. 具有阶段结构和隔离干预的SIRS传染病模型

    A SIRS Infections Disease Model with Stage-Structure and Isolation

  27. 一类具有脉冲接种和时滞的SIRS传染病模型

    SIRS Epidemic Model with Impulse Vaccination and Time Delay

  28. 主要讨论了时滞SIR传染病模型的一致持久性,给出了其一致持久的定义、引理和一致持久的相关定理及证明过程。

    Focused on permanence of SIR epidemic model , give its definition , durable and some related Lemma theorem and the process of proving .

  29. 目的研究一类具有阶段结构的SI传染病模型的局部稳定性、分支解以及边界平衡态的全局吸引性。

    Aim To investigate local stability , bifurcation and the global stability of the bounded equilibrium for a class of SI epidemic model with stage-structure .

  30. 具有分布时滞的SIRS传染病模型

    A SIRS Epidemiological Model with Distributional Delay