
  • 网络the holographic principle
  1. AdS/CFT对偶和全息原理这一深刻的概念有着十分紧密的联系。

    AdS / CFT duality and the holographic principle has very close links .

  2. 同时,这个模型提供观测宇宙的熵界,与全息原理的猜测一致。

    The model also provides entropy bound for our universe in consistent with the holographic principle conjecture .

  3. 运用计算全息原理与二元光学技术设计制作了用于波面变换的计算全息CGH元件。

    A CGH element is designed and fabricated based on the computer generated hologram and the binary optical technique , and is applied in wavefront transformation .

  4. 根据两步法彩虹全息原理,用计算机制作彩虹全息图的H1,并用镜像折叠的新算法将大幅的全息图折叠成一幅较小的全息图。

    According to the theory of two-step rainbow holography , rainbow holograms H 1 are generated by computer and the new algorithm of mirror image is proposed which can fold the holograms with large dimension into little ones .

  5. 提出了一种新的彩虹全息原理。

    A new principle of rainbow holography is presented .

  6. 把全息原理和拓扑学方法有机结合就是全息拓扑学。

    Combination of the holographic theory and the methodology of topology is holographic topology .

  7. 统计最优平面近场声全息原理与声场分离技术

    The principle of statistically optimal planar near-field acoustical holography and the sound field separation technique

  8. 本文提出利用声全息原理,对运动状态下的汽车噪声源进行识别的方法。

    This paper presents the acoustical holography method which can be used to identify noise source on a moving vehicle .

  9. 它是综合光学全息原理和计算机技术、电子技术以及数字图像处理技术发展起来的一种新型全息成像技术。

    It is a new imaging technique that combines optical holography , computer technology , electronic technology and digital image processing techniques .

  10. 从近场声全息原理出发,利用声波沿不同方向传播的特点,针对平面、柱面和球面全息测量建立了波数域内的声场分离公式。

    According to the NAH theory and propagating characteristics along different directions , sound field separation technique can be established in the wave-number domain .

  11. AdS/CFT对偶关系给出了全息原理应用的一个实例,它有助于我们了解强子物理,以及超弦理论的诸多方面。

    AdS / CFT is a realization of the holographic principle , which is advantageous to us for understanding hadron physics and many respects of superstring .

  12. 三维表面检测数据获得离散物光波数据的原理:3、二步彩虹法制动态全息原理;

    The principle about acquirement of object beam distribution data from three-Dimensional shape measurement data of object ; 3 . the theory about making dynamic hologram from the two-steps rainbow hologram ;

  13. 我们提出,在熵力模型中,全息原理还有另一种表述方式,就是说一个物理体系的面积决定于它的自由度数目。

    We propose that the holographic principle has a new interpretation in entropic force frame , i. e. the area of a system is dependent on its numbers of degrees of freedom .

  14. 本文的工作重点在于对于动态效果的实现,先从理论上论证两种动态全息原理的可行性,然后通过实验,去验证动态计算全息的效果,再进一步展开对真彩色动态计算全息图的初步研究。

    The main job of the thesis focuses on how to display a dynamic process with holography . Firstly , the principal of , the dynamic hologram was introduced . Then the effect of the dynamic digital hologram was proved by experiments .

  15. 基于全息建模原理的集装箱装卸桥虚拟样机的产品模型

    Product model of container crane based on holographic product modeling theory

  16. 白光&光栅再现普通透射全息图原理

    Principle of the ordinary transmission hologram displaying with a white lightsource

  17. 三元全息书画原理试探

    An Exploration of the Principle of Holographical Three-yuan Graphic Arts

  18. 全息成像原理的物理分析

    Physical Analysis about Holographical Imaging Principle

  19. 全息农学原理与应用

    ECIWO Agronomy Theory and Application

  20. 从数字图像的全息记录原理出发,讨论了数字图像的分辨率及设计方法问题。

    From the principle of holography , resolving power and design method of digital image are being discussed .

  21. 本文从激光全息干涉原理出发,得到干涉与位移的关系式。

    In terms of the principle of laser holography interference , the relation between interference and displacement is obtained .

  22. 用脉冲激光全息干涉原理显示水中的内波、声波的波阵面

    Display of the Wavefront of the Underwater Acoustic Wave , Internal Wave , etc. , with the Aid of Impulse Ruby Laser

  23. 根据全息生物学原理,研究叶、茎、花自主发育过程中表现的全息胚特征,划分为六种类型全息胚;

    According to the principle of ECIWO biology , ECIWO characteristics of strawberry in autonomous development of leaf , stem and flower were studied in this paper .

  24. 第二章论述了同轴相移数字全息基本原理,总结和介绍了消除零级像和共轭像的几种相移算法,并较为详细地介绍了同轴相移数字全息的实验装置。

    Chapter 2 : At first , the fundamental theory of in-line digital holography is given in detail . Second , some algorithms of elimination of the conjugate image and the zero-order image are introduced and summarized .

  25. 《周易》预测方法以象性思维、普遍联系观点和全息性原理为基本原理,可以对事物未来的发展变化趋势做出判断。

    The prediction method of " Book of Changes ", taking the image of thinking , ideas of general contact and holographic principle as the basic principle , can make judgment to the trend of development and change .

  26. 在文献综述的基础上,从复杂系统理论与企业组织理论的跨学科视角来评价和探析“全息”原理及“分形结构法”在供应链网络组织中的应用。

    Based on literature review , this paper intends to combine the complex system theory with the organization theory and apply the ″ holonic ″ and ″ fractual ″ principles in the organization of the network supply chain system .

  27. 简要讨论全息CT测量原理,针对光学CT测量中轴对称场的重构问题讨论了环带法。

    The principle of holographic CT measurement is introduced briefly , and to the reconstruction of axis symmetry field measured by optical CT , zoned method is discussed .

  28. 分析了计算全息图编码原理,介绍了用MATLAB编程计算全息编码的主要步骤。

    Firstly , the main progress of programming a encoding computer generated hologram ( CGH ) using MATLAB was introduced based on the analysis of the principle of CGH .

  29. 简要讨论了全息CT测量原理,理论上证明根据实时全息干涉图的强度分布测量待测物体折射率三维(3-D)变化的可行性;

    The principle of holographic CT measurement is introduced briefly , and the possibility of measuring the 3 dimension ( 3 D ) variation of the deflection index from the intensity distribution of the holographic interferogram is proved theoretically .

  30. 研究合成全息图的原理和记录方法。

    The principle and recording process of synthetic holograms are studied .