
quán guà chē
  • full trailer
全挂车[quán guà chē]
  1. 组合式全挂车液压动力机组研制

    The Development of the Hydraulic Powerplant Module of the Combinable Full Trailer

  2. 重型多轴全挂车液压系统

    Hydraulic System of Heavy Multi-axis Full Trailer

  3. 介绍在2辆400t液压全挂车上各安装一个200t桥式运输转盘,并采取了牢固的运输固定措施后,成功地将珠海PTA项目72m超长件脱水塔运输至吊装地点的工作方法。

    Zhuhai Project needs to transport 72 meter long dewatering tower to installation site This task is completed successfully by two 400t trailers which are equipped with one 200t slewing table each and safe secured facility .

  4. 如何提高轮转向全挂车行驶稳定性

    How to Improve Running Stability of the Wheel Steering Full Trailer

  5. 多轴全挂车转向系的理论分析与设计

    A Theoretical Analysis and Design of A Steering System for Multiple-axle Trailers

  6. GB/T4781-1984牵引车与全挂车的机械连接装置互换性

    Mechanical connection between towing vehicle and full trailers for interchangeability

  7. 超重型可拼装式全挂车设计

    Design for Combinable Extra Heavy Full Trailer

  8. GB/T17275-1998货运全挂车通用技术条件

    Technical requirements for freight full trailers

  9. 分析了各结构参数对全挂车轮迹重合转向的影响。

    Analyzing the effects of various structural parameters on the wheel tracecoincidence of a steering full-trailer .

  10. 拖带全挂车的汽车;

    Automobiles with full trailers ;

  11. 该装置是军队后勤各种全挂车和半挂车底盘的配套装置;

    This device is the auxiliary for chassis of various full trailers and semi-trailers for military logistics support .

  12. 采用拼装式结构可根据所运货物的需要随时拼装成满足运输要求的全挂车。

    Depending oil the cargo to be transported , the full trailer can be built at any time when it is needed .

  13. 超重型可拼装式全挂车可满足超重、超长、超高货物的运输要求。

    The combinable extra heavy full trailer can meet the transportation demands for the over weight , over length and over height cargo .

  14. 在每次往回运输时,一位E&A的司机在一辆冷藏全挂车的轮子变得醒目。

    At each pick-up , a driver working for E & A showed up at the wheel of a tractor with a refrigerated trailer .

  15. GB/T15087-1994汽车牵引车与全挂车机械连接装置强度试验机械性牵张和髓核的刺激都可能引起的神经功能障碍。

    Motor vehicles Drawbar couplings and eyes for hinged drawbars Strength test Both mechanical deformation and the irritation of nuclear components may cause nerve dysfunction .

  16. 原木全挂车主参数系列为3吨、6吨.10吨和14吨。

    The main parameters of pole trailers are 3 、 7 、 10 and 15 tons , of log full trailers are 3 、 6 、 10 and 14 tons .

  17. 全轮转向挂车设计与计算

    Design and Calculation for All-wheel Steering Device on Trailer

  18. 该车型整体结构方案构思新颖,与国内过去应用的半挂车和全轮转向可升降式百吨全挂车相比,更加灵活、使用范围广、承载吨位大、载荷分布更为合理。

    The overall structure of the program with the novel model , and the application of semi-trailer with the past and all wheel steering trailer can lift 100 tons compared to more flexible use of a wide range of host large tonnage , load distribution more reasonable .