
  • 网络GIG;global information grid
  1. 基于全球信息栅格的远程支援技术

    The Study of Remote Support Technology Based on GIG

  2. 介绍了研究与实现全球信息栅格的关键技术、基础理论,重点论述了实现全球信息栅格总体架构的有关内容。

    The paper points out the key technology , the basic theory to realize GIG , and focuses on the architecture frame to realize GIG .

  3. 1999年,美国防部提出了建设全球信息栅格(GlobalInformationGrid,GIG)的设想。

    In 1999 , DOD put forward a tentative plan of building global information grid ( GIG ) .

  4. 全球信息栅格(GIG)包括所有自有的和租借的通信与计算系统、软件、数据、安全服务以及获取信息优势所必需的有关服务,GIG堪称网络中心战的大脑。

    The global information grid ( GIG ) includes all owned and leased communications and computing systems , software , data , security services and other associated services which are necessary to achieve information superiority , the GIG is the cerebrum of network center warfare .

  5. 全球信息栅格中的性能评估体系结构研究

    Research on the Performance Assessment Framework of Global Information Grid

  6. 全球信息栅格的产生和实现技术研究

    Origin and Implementing Technology of Global Information Grid

  7. 全球信息栅格体系对抗

    Countermeasures of Global Information Grid System

  8. 全球信息栅格与服务计算

    Service computing in global information grid

  9. 深入研究全球信息栅格技术对于提高我军信息化建设水平,推进以信息技术革命为主体的新军事革命,具有十分重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to make a profound study of the GIG so that our army 's new military revolution can be propelled .

  10. 介绍了全球信息栅格的概念与定义,详细论述了全球信息栅格产生与发展的动因、实现技术的研究现状。

    This paper describes the concept and definition of GIG ( Global Information Grid ), discusses the reasons for its origin and development in detail , and shows the current status of technology to realize GIG .

  11. 为了实现全球范围内的资源共享,美军提出了全球信息栅格技术。

    In order to achieve global resources sharing , the American Army put forward the Global Information Grid technique .