
  • 网络MF Global
  1. “我们最可能看见的是购买的谣言,出售的事实交易正在进行,”尼克卡利瓦斯说,一位全球曼氏金融的股票分析家。

    " What we 're most likely seeing is a buy-the-rumor , sell-the-fact trade going on ," said Nick Kalivas , an equities analyst at MF Global .

  2. 此外,全球曼氏金融、该公司的律师以及其破产托管公司目前正在调查摩根大通在此事中所扮演的角色,这是关于6亿美元失踪资金去向的大规模调查的一部分。

    In addition , MF Global , its lawyers and the bankruptcy trustee are investigating J.P.Morgan 's role as part of their wide-ranging probe into where the missing $ 600 million went .