
  • 网络Investment Entities
  1. 此前,这家陷入困境的石油公司接洽了中东的投资实体,看它们是否有意购买该集团股票。在墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件之后,该公司股价已大幅下挫。

    The trip comes after the troubled oil company put out feelers to investment entities in the Middle East to gauge their interest in buying the group 's shares following their dramatic decline after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill .

  2. 同时,主权财富基金作为国有投资实体而进行全球范围内的股权投资,将对目标公司的经营状况及盈利能力等产生重要影响。

    On the same time , the equity investment behaviors made by these state investment entities , will affect the management and profit of their target companies greatly .

  3. 李嘉诚(lika-shing)控制的投资实体长江基建(cki),已在英国拥有配电资产。

    CKI , an investment vehicle controlled by Li Ka-shing , already owns electricity distribution assets in the UK .

  4. 纽约市区域中心,通过投资实体纽约市区域中心-布鲁克林海军工业园区发展有限责任公司II(NYCRC-BNYR),已经成为BNYDC的合作伙伴,投资海军工业园区再开发计划的核心项目。

    The NYCRC , through the investment entity NYC Regional Center Brooklyn Navy Yard Development II , LLC (" NYCRC-BNYR "), has partnered with BNYDC to fund a key phase of the Navy Yard 's redevelopment plans .

  5. 当时为了绕开对政府债务的监管限制,平台贷款发放给了政府支持的投资实体。

    To get around regulatory restrictions on government debt , the loans to local authorities were issued to government-backed investment vehicles .

  6. 这个一般被称做石油基金的投资实体是世界最大的退休基金之一。

    The Norwegian Pension Fund , commonly called the Oil Fund , is one of the largest pension funds in the world .

  7. 再加上内容提供商不太需要投资实体基础设施,这就是它们的市值通常高于渠道供应商的原因。

    Along with less need to invest in physical infrastructure , it is the reason they typically command higher valuations than the pipers .

  8. 但他逐渐感到震惊,因为较小的城镇近期甚至还有一些县政府发现,借助投资实体发行债券是轻松的融资渠道。

    But he grew alarmed when smaller towns and , more recently , even some counties discovered that investment vehicle bonds were an easy way to raise financing .

  9. 这些资金有一部分是掌握在我们更熟悉的西方世界手中,其中最突出的莫过于石油资源丰富的挪威,其投资实体掌握着近4000亿美元。

    Some of the funds reside in the more familiar confines of the Western world , with Norway 's oil rich investment arm topping the list at nearly $ 400 billion .

  10. 中国愿同亚洲各国加强宏观经济、融政策的协调,探索建立区域性投资实体、券市场、融合作体系。

    China is ready to step up its coordination with other Asian partners on macro-economic and financial policies and probe into the establishment of regional cooperation regime of investors , securities market , and financial institutions .

  11. 论国际投资法实体规范的生成

    Observations on the Emergence of the Substantive International Law on Foreign Investment

  12. 而实际中,对很多投资者而言,尤其是跨国公司的日益增多,证券投资和实体项口投资都可以是一种风险资产。

    Practice , for many investors , especially multinational companies are also increasing . Port-folio investment and physical investment can also be a risky assets .

  13. 在峰值时期,花期集团有超过2万亿美元这样的投资性实体,但是在帐面上却找不到用以支撑的资本储备。

    At peak , Citigroup had upwards of $ 2 trillion of such committments , almost all off-the-balance-sheet and not counting towards capital holding requirements .

  14. 我们应该大力开展贸易和投资等实体经济合作,为恢复世界经济增长提供坚实支撑。

    We should step up cooperation in trade , investment and other areas of the real economy and lay a solid foundation for restoring world economic growth .

  15. 曾经押注于纯电子商务的其它公司也开始投资于实体店,认识到纯电子商务可能已经触及增长极限。

    Other companies that have placed bets on pure ecommerce have also begun to invest in physical stores , in recognition that pure ecommerce may have hit its growth limits .

  16. 而固定资产投资在实体经济中构成比例较大,对经济的总产出具有较大的影响。

    As one kind of investment , fixed assets investment has a higher construction rate in the real economy . And it has a greater influence on overall economic output .

  17. 你应该投资企业实体,只有生活发生(重大)变化时&如生子或退休时,才对所作投资做出调整。

    You should invest in solid enterprises and only make changes if there are changes in your life & like children or retirement . " You only have one life ," she says .

  18. REITs与地产股股票市场之间的互动关系分析对于投资者理性投资,把握实体经济与虚拟经济之间的互动关系具有一定启示意义。

    And the synergistic relationship between REITs and real estate stocks has great significance for the rational investor to grasp the relationship between real economy and fictitious economy .

  19. 首先,他可以用在投资其他国外实体资产,例如扩大大使馆用地,成立中国商品贸易中心。

    First , it could acquire physical assets in different countries , eg enlarging or improving its embassy facilities , setting up trade centres for Chinese goods .

  20. 相反,该公司体现出股东在投资新兴市场实体时面临的风险,即使在伦敦上市也是如此。

    The company has instead come to symbolise the risks shareholders face when they invest in emerging-market entities , even when they come with a London seal of approval .

  21. 这意味着,股票、债券、外汇及其衍生品交易将以相对较低的税率(0.05%)被征税,相关的收入将投资在“实体”经济,包括国内和国际。

    This means a comparatively small rate of tax ( 0.05 per cent ) being levied on share , bond , and currency transactions and their derivatives , with the resulting funds being designated for investment in the " real " economy , domestically and internationally .

  22. 在介绍了NGB的概念和建设发展情况后,选择省有线电视网络公司作为项目主办人,并设计了单实体投资结构和双实体投资结构两种项目投资结构。

    After the introduction of the concept and construction of NGB , provincial cable networks are selected as project sponsors , and the single-entity structure and two-entity structure of investment are designed .

  23. 这一问题的答案取决于我们考察的究竟是金融市场,还是包含商品、服务、生产、投资等领域的实体经济。

    The answer to the question depends on whether we look at financial markets , or at the real economy of goods and services , production and investment .

  24. 正是在这一系列的宽松货币政策效应下,国内信贷出现前所未有的天量增长,固定资产投资立即反弹,实体经济开始逐渐回升。

    It was the effects of the series of the accommodative monetary policy that made the domestic credit grow unprecedentedly , the investment in the fixed asset rebounded immediately , the real economy began to rise again .

  25. 风险投资公司或收购公司投资的公司或实体。

    A portfolio company is a company or entity in which a venture capital firm or buyout firm invests .

  26. 然而,投资组合理论更多的是被应用于证券投资,在实体项目投资中却很少应用。

    But the theory is used much to the stock investment and rarely to the projects investment .

  27. 中国投资者多数无法在海外投资,外管局是唯一拥有相应资源与职权,可进行如此大规模海外金融投资的实体。

    Chinese investors are mostly barred from investing abroad and safe is the only entity with the resources and the authority to make such large-scale offshore portfolio investments .