
  • 网络projection screen
  1. 所生产的“长江牌”和“RICHVISION”牌投影幕:玻珠幕布、白塑幕布任选;

    Production of " Yangtze card " and " RICHVISION " card projection screen : Glass theater curtain , white plastic theater curtain optional ;

  2. 我们还提供各种配套电动窗帘电机、窗帘轨道、电动银投影幕及附件,详情请致电本公司或当地特约经销商查询。

    We also provide various mating electric curtains motor , curtain rail , electric silver projection screen and accessories , for details , please contact the company or local authorized dealer query .

  3. 产品具有严格的管理体系,通过了欧盟认可的“CE”和“ROHS”认证。所生产的投影幕品种和规格其全。

    Our products has the strict management system , pass the certification of CE & ROHS which be approved by European Union , with the great variety and specification of goods .

  4. 一个座椅被包装在投影幕形成的环里面组成了一个旋转平台。

    A seat is mounted on a platform which is surrounded by an endless circular projection-tunnel .

  5. 南通市长江银幕厂是中国国内最早从事研制、开发、生产投影幕的专业制造企业之一。

    Yangtze screen links City plant is the first in China to engage in research , development , production and projection screen in the manufacturing enterprises in the world .

  6. 一台小监视器摆放在一台更大的投影幕前,显然有机地与其更大的对应物相隔绝。

    A small monitor positioned in front of a bigger projection creates a visual metaphor in which the smaller screen appears to have been organically severed from its larger counterpart .

  7. 框架采用集群运行游戏客户端,输出广视角、高分辨率的游戏画面;采用投影仪作为显示设备,显示尺寸大,投影在柱面幕上能带给游戏玩家强烈的沉浸感。

    The framework runs game clients on a cluster for generating images of high resolution and wide field of view . It displays images using multi-channel projectors to cast them on large scale cylinder screen , which offers strong immersive experience .

  8. 但是他会用录影带现身,我们会投影在巨型显示幕。

    But he 'll put something on tape , we 'll put it on the jumbotron .

  9. 从投影在大型球幕上的节目中,你会明白到地球正面临着种种威胁,而整个系统亦已变得非常脆弱。

    As you watch the programme projected on the large spherical screen , you will realise that our planet is facing many threats and the system as a whole is very fragile .

  10. 本论文以特种电影项目为背景,该项目以大型软幕为材料进行投影,在软幕背投结构中,投影图像会由于幕布的下垂而引起失真。

    This paper has special film projects as the background , The project is a large soft-screen projection for the materials . In the soft-screen rear projection structure , projected image will be distorted due to the sag of the soft curtain .