
  • 网络investor;Investment institutions;SIVs;QFII
  1. 在向美国国会作证时,亿万富翁投资者乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)谈到了石油和其它大宗商品“正在形成的泡沫”,他补充称,投资机构通过指数基金投资期货市场的能力,扩大了价格涨幅。

    George Soros , the billionaire investor , spoke of " a bubble in the making " in oil and other commodities in testimony to Congress , adding that the ability of investment institutions to invest in the futures market through index funds was exaggerating price rises .

  2. 竞争机制下风险投资机构间决策的博弈分析

    Game analysis of decision-making on venture investment institutions under competition mechanism

  3. 财经Web站点,例如银行或投资机构的站点,您用于监视自己的金融投资组合

    A financial Web site , like that of a bank or investment institution , to monitor your financial portfolio

  4. 风险投资机构AlloyVentures和DelphiVentures共同领投这第二轮融资。

    Alloy ventures and Delphi ventures co-led this series f round .

  5. 有报道称,投资机构CapitalGroup已同意在收购价降低10%后支持这宗交易。

    Prudential declined to comment on a report that Capital Group , the investment house , had agreed to back the deal with a 10 per cent price cut .

  6. 现有股东中的风险投资机构sparkcapital和institutionalventurepartners也参与了新一轮融资。

    Existing venture capital backers , spark capital and institutional venture partners , have also participated in the new round .

  7. 隶属中国央行、负责管理外汇储备的国家外汇管理局(SAFE),是中国唯一获准大量购买海外债券的投资机构。

    The only Chinese investor allowed to make sizeable offshore bond purchases is the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( Safe ), which manages the reserves under the central bank .

  8. 国外已有很多金融集团、投资机构和养老基金管理公司采用VaR方法控制金融风险。

    There is a lot of financial groups , investment organizations and pension fund companies abroad adopting VaR method to control the financial risk .

  9. 对冲基金再也无法从银行手中获得廉价的信用额度,许多特别殊投资机构工具和管道(conduit)投资者实际上已破产经崩溃。

    Hedge funds can no longer get cheap credit lines from banks , and many special investment vehicles and conduits have virtually collapsed .

  10. 最后本文从创业投资机构、创业企业、投资者和政府机构四个角度出发就如何降低创业板中企业的IPO抑价程度,提出几点相关建议。

    Finally , this paper put forward some relevant suggestions from the perspective of venture capital institutions , entrepreneurs , investors and government agencies to reduce IPO underpricing .

  11. 究其原因:一方面是由于我国正在引入国际投资机构(如QFII等),它们带来了西方成熟的投资理念;

    For one thing , China is introducing international investment organization such as QFII , which bring mature investment ideas .

  12. 本文对金融市场对于FDI技术溢出效应的作用渠道进行了理论分析,并结合案例分析了金融市场上的新型融资方式&风险投资机构融资。

    In this article , the author analyzed the ways in which financial market affects the FDI technology spillover effects and a new financing channel in China & Venture Capital using an enterprise case .

  13. 中行和新加坡政府投资机构淡马锡(temasek)正在规划一个雄心勃勃的项目,涉及数以百计的分支机构。

    BOC and Temasek , the Singapore state investment agency , are planning an ambitious scheme involving hundreds of branches .

  14. 然而几个月过去了,EMC没有采取任何行动,而一份禁止该对冲基金公开发言的维持现状协议已于上个月到期,于是这家行动派投资机构施加压力,要求EMC有所行动。

    Yet as months went by with no movement - and a standstill agreement barring the hedge fund from speaking publicly expired last month - the activist investor pressed for updates .

  15. 最火热的招聘领域是全球性和新兴市场的投资机构,罗盛咨询伦敦资产与财富管理业务董事总经理阿曼达福斯特(AmandaFoster)表示。

    The hottest hiring areas have been global and emerging markets investors , says Amanda Foster , managing director of the Russell Reynolds asset and wealth management practice in London .

  16. 新航和新加坡国有投资机构淡马锡(Temasek)向东航新发行的香港H股提出的报价是每股3.80港元。

    SIA and Temasek , the state investment agency , are offering HK $ 3.80 for newly issued Hong Kong-listed H-shares in CEA .

  17. 其中老虎环球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)从最初出售300万股增加到2300万股,而高盛(GoldmanSachs)则从出售1320万股增加到2870万股,成为变化最大的两家著名风险投资机构。

    The two most notable shifts came from tiger global management , which went from selling 3 million shares to 23 million shares , and Goldman Sachs ( GS ) , which went from selling 13.2 million to 28.7 million .

  18. 在宏观经济持续高速发展的良好形势下,目前我国正逐步走上投资机构化的发展道路,无论是管理资产占GDP的比重,还是持有流通股比重,都大幅增长。

    With the rapid development of macroeconomy , China is on the way to gradually institutionalize its investment . Investment intuitions have been achieving significant leaps , whatever on the proportion of holding the tradable shareholders , or on the manageable assets .

  19. 这家总部位于纽约的投资机构,是2010年受中国主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)之托、投资15亿美元于私人股本资产的三家公司之一。

    The New York-based investor was one of three firms mandated in 2010 to pick up $ 1.5bn of private equity investments for China Investment Corp , the country 's sovereign wealth fund .

  20. 中国新成立的国家投资机构曾斥资30亿美元入股美国私人股本集团黑石(Blackstone)。如果出现更多类似的交易,它们将成为一个最高层面的政治问题。

    If there are many more deals like the $ 3bn investment in US private equity group Blackstone by China 's new state investment agency , they will become a political issue of the highest order .

  21. 皮克雷尔表示,这种行为背后还有一个品牌因素,亚洲客户更倾向于向声誉更好、规模更大的传统型投资机构购买产品,比如富达(fidelity)与邓普顿(templeton)。

    There is a brand name element to the behaviour , says Mr Pickerell , with Asian clients buying products from larger , traditional investment houses with stronger reputations , such as fidelity and Templeton .

  22. 知情人士表示,上海医药已与一些基石投资者签约,其中新加坡政府投资机构淡马锡(Temasek)承诺认购3亿美元股票。

    The people close to the transaction said Shanghai Pharma had signed up some cornerstone investors , including a commitment for $ 300m of stock from Temasek , the Singapore state investment agency .

  23. 新加坡政府投资机构淡马锡(temasek)已将其投资组合中的近40%投向金融领域,其中包括总部设在英国、重点放在新兴市场的渣打银行17%的股权。

    Temasek , the Singaporean group , has devoted almost 40 per cent of its portfolio to the financial sector , including a 17 per cent stake in the UK-based emerging markets-focused lender Standard Chartered .

  24. 与黑石(Blackstone)和加州公务员退休基金(Calpers)等投资机构的过硬关系,使得这家位于美国西海岸的企业,能利用纽约市数十年难得一见的机遇,当时,纽约市的企业大都因之前的繁荣过度举债。

    Strong relationships with investment organizations like Blackstone and Calpers put the west coast-based firm in a position to capitalize on a once-in-a-generation opportunity in a city where the incumbents were largely overleveraged from the prior boom .

  25. 同时,李察爵士的维珍集团(VirginGroup)证实,在该项目的初期融资(包括阿布扎比一政府投资机构提供的4亿美元)用完后,维珍银河的日常费用现在由维珍集团提供。

    At the same time , Sir Richard 's Virgin Group confirmed that it was supporting the day-to-day expenses of Virgin Galactic of Virgin Galactic out of its own pocket after the money for the initial financing for the project , including $ 400m put up by an Abu Dhabi government investment vehicle , had been exhausted .

  26. 本文研究对今后NGB项目的建设,无论是政府主管部门,有线电视网络运营商,还是潜在的投资机构都有一定的现实意义,能起到抛砖引玉的作用。

    To constructing NGB projects in the future , the research has certain practical significance , regardless of government departments , cable network operators , or potential investment institution , and can play a valuable role .

  27. 股票投资机构BreyerCapital首席执行官吉米o布雷耶指出,以前人们总是认为这些公司的风投部门并不是真正的风投市场参与者,但现在它们“正在非常有效地展开竞争”。这给风险投资者带来了更大的竞争风险。

    Jim Breyer , CEO of Breyer Capital , noted that these corporate venture arms , which weren 't always viewed as serious players in the VC game , are now " competing very effectively . " That has increased the competitive risks to venture investors , Breyer added .

  28. 湖北省创业投资机构的发展模式研究

    Research on Development Mode of Venture Capital Institutions of Hubei Province

  29. 第二部分为风险投资机构的组织形式。

    Part ⅱ, the organizing forms of venture capital organization .

  30. 国有资产投资机构的授权选择分析

    The Analysis of Selecting Authorized investment Organization for State-owned Assets