
  • 网络China Entrepreneur Club
  1. 去年,在中国企业家俱乐部于柏悦酒店(ParkHyattHotel)预定的会议室内,阿里巴巴CEO马云曾接受采访。这个俱乐部是中国50位最有影响力的商界领袖组成的非营利组织。

    An interview last year with Alibaba Chief Executive Jack Ma took place in a Park Hyatt Hotel conference room reserved for the China Entrepreneur Club , a nonprofit organization of China 's 50 most influential business leaders .

  2. 感谢中国企业家俱乐部和所有促成本次会议的人们。

    My thanks go to China Entrepreneur Club and everyone who made this event possible .

  3. 中国企业家俱乐部使来自各行各业的利益相关者齐聚一堂,集多方合力促进可持续发展,我很感谢你们所做出的努力。

    I appreciate the efforts of the China Entrepreneur Club in promoting sustainable development and bringing together stakeholders from all walks of life .

  4. 在这一点上,我非常高兴地看到中国企业家俱乐部为推动中国绿色公司项目的开展所作的不懈努力。

    In this regard , I am really delighted to see the continued efforts from China Entrepreneur Club to push forward the China Green Companies programme .

  5. 中国企业家单身俱乐部最近举行了筛选事件,在上海、济南、北京、南宁吸引了无数充满希望的妇女。

    The China Entrepreneurs ' Club for Singles recently held screening events that drew many hopeful women in Shanghai , Jinan , Nanning and Beijing .