
  • 网络www net cn
  1. 中国万网是中国领先的互联网应用服务提供商,企业网络服务首选品牌。

    HiChina is a leading Internet application service providers , enterprise network services preferred brand .

  2. 中国万网成立于1996年,是中国领先的互联网应用服务提供商。

    HiChina was established in1996 , and is one of leading Internet Application Service Providers in China .

  3. 总之,中国万网致力于为用户提供先进的、全方位的、多样化服务形式。并把服务质量放在首要位置。

    Therefore , HiChina is committed to providing the most advanced and diversified service , and put the service quality the number one place .

  4. 中国万网研发中心拥有一支由多名网络安全专家、软件工程专家和项目管理专家组成的专业队伍。

    HiChina R & D center has a team of more than network security experts , software engineering experts and project management experts , the professional team .

  5. 中国万网客服中心在同行业中最早建立了设施齐备、功能完善的专业级呼叫中心系统。

    The center of customer services of HiChina has built the most earliest equipment with whole package among our competitors , perfect and professional functioning calling center system .

  6. 中国万网是中国域名注册服务的先行者、中国虚拟主机服务的开创者、中国企业邮箱服务的领先者和中国网站建设服务的创新者。

    HiChina is the pioneer of domain name registration services , hosting services in China pioneer , a leading Chinese business mail services and website construction services in China innovator .