
  • Senior Manager;senior management;Sr Manager
  1. 他担任高级经理职务完全不够格。

    He was totally unqualified for his job as a senior manager .

  2. 10个中国人里有9个不喜欢新央视大楼,最大的国有航空公司中国国航(AirChina)的一位高级经理表示。

    Nine out of 10 Chinese hate the CCTV building , says a senior manager at state-owned flag carrier Air China .

  3. 许多高级经理都对技术知之甚少。

    Many senior managers are technologically illiterate .

  4. 公司的高级经理中有5位已经被强制性地裁掉。

    Five of the company 's senior managers have been made compulsorily redundant .

  5. HR从业者,咨询师,商务指导师,经理,高级经理人员,决策者。

    HR practitioners , consultants , business coaches , managers , senior supervisors and decision makers .

  6. 在此之前,他在Domino工作了7年,最近才成为LotusWorldwideBusinessPartner业务部门的高级经理。

    Previously , he worked at Lotus for seven years , most recently as a Senior Manager in Lotus Worldwide Business Partner business unit .

  7. 最近几周,AvonandAmericanExpress的一些高级经理离职并解释说想需找一个ceo的职位。

    In recent weeks the No.2 executives at Avon and American Express quit with the explanation that they were looking for a CEO post .

  8. StoneBrewing公司酿酒和创新部的高级经理史蒂夫·刚扎雷茨创造了这一款啤酒。他表示自己一开始也心存疑虑。

    Stone Brewing 's Senior Manager of Brewing and Innovation , Steve Gonzalez , created the beer and said that he was doubtful at first .

  9. 海运基金m2mmanagement的高级经理提姆科芬(timcoffin)表示,近期的事件是一道分水岭。

    Tim coffin , a senior manager at M2M management , a shipping fund , said recent events had marked a watershed .

  10. 20世纪40年代时,篮球也处在这样的状况,RiotGames公司负责北美发行的高级经理克里斯托弗·华特(ChristopherWyatt)说。

    This is just how basketball was in the 1940s , said Christopher Wyatt , senior manager for North American publishing at Riot Games .

  11. 蛇口集装箱码头(shekoucontainerterminals)市场销售部高级经理屠世海(allentu)表示,蛇口策划了一次市场营销活动,以寻求国际中转货运业务。

    Allen Tu , senior manager in the business development department at Shekou Container Terminals , said Shekou planned a marketing push to seek international trans-shipment .

  12. 如果你在攻读MBA,课程必须反映出当今高级经理关切的事情和面临的困境,并给你一个机会,探究你将面临的选择。

    If you are studying for an MBA it must reflect the current concerns and dilemmas senior managers face today and give you the chance to explore the choices you will face .

  13. 不过,尽管目前存在着种种问题,但在阿帕帕apm码头的高级经理威廉罗斯(williamross)看来,如今的情况已经比私有化前大有改观。

    Yet , despite current problems , conditions are , according to William Ross , a senior manager at APM terminals APAPA , immeasurably better than before privatisation .

  14. “缺乏融资正产生巨大影响,”国际金融公司全球金融市场部高级经理GermanVegarra说。

    " The lack of finance is having a huge impact ," says German Vegarra , senior manager of IFC Global Financial Markets .

  15. 市场需求不断见涨,国际房产经纪机构第一太平戴维斯(Savills)主管华南区投资与销售的高级经理StanleyCheung说。

    Demand is going up , says Stanley Cheung , senior manager of investment and sales for southern China at the international estate agents Savills .

  16. 中国银河证券(galaxysecurities)的一位高级经理表示,许多国内投资者认为,在目前的牛市,基于未来收益对股票进行定价的传统估值方法没什么意义。

    A senior manager at one of the Underwriters , Galaxy Securities , said many local investors thought that conventional valuations , pricing shares based on future earnings , had little meaning in the present bull market .

  17. 时年30岁的李正打算辞去他在沃尔玛公司(Wal-Mart)担任的物流、战略和规划事务高级经理一职,去攻读一个MBA学位。

    Lee , then 30 , was about to leave Wal-Mart ( WMT ) , where he was a senior manager of logistics , strategy , and planning , to get his MBA degree .

  18. RABCapitalGold基金的高级经理史蒂夫埃利斯(SteveEllis)表示:在历史上,中国曾是一个很大的黄金储备国。大约30年前,黄金约占其外汇储备的10%。

    Steve Ellis , senior manager of the RAB Capital Gold fund said : Historically , China was a large gold holder with about 10 per cent of its FX reserves in gold about 30 years ago .

  19. 毕马威(KPMG)高增长市场业务高级经理支巧玲(HelenZhi)表示:毕业的时候,你的第一志向是尽可能找到一份好工作。

    When you graduate your number one ambition is to get as good a job as you can , says Helen Zhi , a senior manager in KPMG 's high-growth markets practice .

  20. 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(RoyalDutchShell)周四透露,该公司已要求所有高级经理重新申请所在岗位,其中150人失去了自己的工作。该公司警告,将在整个集团内部进一步大规模裁员。

    All the senior managers at Royal Dutch Shell have been made to re-apply for their positions and 150 of them have lost their jobs , the company revealed today as it warned of substantial further job cuts spreading across the group .

  21. 当波恩把大奖颁给英国酒吧连锁集团JDWetherspoon时,该公司的高级经理弗莱彻(Fletcher)高高举起了金马桶奖。

    When he awarded the grand prize to the British pub chain JD Wetherspoon PLC , senior manager Mark Fletcher hoisted the golden toilet seat .

  22. 而位于上海的一家韩国公司的高级经理EricMoon则认为,受韩国文化影响的人数不断扩大可能源于韩国日渐成熟的商业运营模式,甚至会为了迎合中国观众的口味而专门定制一些节目。

    The growing popularity of Korean culture may also derive from a maturing business model , by which shows are tailored to the tastes of Chinese viewers , said Eric Moon , a senior manager at a South Korean firm in Shanghai .

  23. 该调查由PINK职场女性杂志和Corset女性形象顾问公司开展,调查对象包括女性职员、高级经理和企业主。

    The survey was conducted among female professionals , senior managers and business owners by PINK Magazine , a publication for career women , and Corset Personal Styling , a service firm for women .

  24. 如今,博柏利正在考虑聘请一名高级经理来辅佐克里斯托弗•贝利(ChristopherBailey),自阿伦茨离开后,贝利一直既担任创意总监、又担任首席执行官。

    The company is now considering bringing in a senior manager to shore up Christopher Bailey , who has held both the top design position and the chief executive role since Ms Ahrendts " departure .

  25. 为了拥有这一资格,他们必须要在公司工作至少三年,职位是P8(专家)和M3(高级经理)级别或较低职位。

    In order to be eligible , they must have worked at the company for at least three years and be in P8 ( expert ) or M3 ( senior manager ) positions or lower .

  26. 尽管RFID有其自身的潜在优势,但是“市场的大部分注意力都集中在经销商及其要求方面,而对生产者的关注则没有那么多,”Accenture公司的一位高级经理罗伯。

    In spite of RFID 's potential benefits ," the market 's energy has been focused on retailers and their requirements and not so much on manufacturers ," says Rob Cushman , a senior manager with Accenture .

  27. GRG部门最近已被解散,许多高级经理离职,它将并入苏格兰皇家银行的其他部门。

    The GRG unit has recently been disbanded , many of its top managers have left and it is being folded into other parts of the bank .

  28. 纽约ManhattanPrep是一家提供备考服务的公司。该公司市场及企业关系高级经理威廉姆斯(EvynWilliams)说,六年前左右,企业对该公司GMAT课程的兴趣开始增加,并且从那以后一直稳定增长。

    Corporate interest in the GMAT course at Manhattan Prep picked up about six years ago and has grown steadily since , says Evyn Williams , senior manager of marketing and corporate relations at the New York-based test-prep company .

  29. 自今年3月开始担任该部门主管的约翰•海文斯(JohnHavens)已告诉高级经理,他们的大部分奖金将取决于他们在该部门管理委员会会议期间与证券业务其他部门同事互动的情况。

    John Havens , the division 's head since March , has told senior managers that a large part of their bonuses will depend on how well they interact with colleagues from other parts of the securities business during meetings of the division 's management committee .

  30. Cisco的技术市场工程师AnuragGurtu[AG]和Csico网络系统和解决方案市场团队的高级经理ShashiKiran[SK]是这样描述AXP的

    Anurag Gurtu [ AG ] , Technical Marketing Engineer at Cisco , and Shashi Kiran [ SK ] , Senior Manager for the Network Systems and Solutions Marketing Team at Cisco , describe AXP