
  • 网络university library
  1. 试论高等学校图书馆和阅读社会的关系

    Discussion on the Relationship between University Library and Reading Society

  2. 浅析高等学校图书馆电子阅览室的管理和建设

    Analysis on the Management and Construction of E-reading Room of the University Library

  3. 阐述了利用代理服务器方式实现高等学校图书馆与校园网以及Internet连接的双出口方案,从而实现网络流量的分流管理,达到提高网络速度,降低网络费用的目的。

    This paper discusses the dual-export method that can connect libraries at university , campus LAN and internet . This method realizes distributary management of flux of the network , as well as makes data rate larger and cost less .

  4. 高等学校图书馆是信息集散中心,拥有大量的信息资源,需要大容量的存储空间,在存储建设上采用最新的SAN结构,通过网络实现数据的存储和共享。

    The university library is the center of information distributed , They own a lot information resources and need large space of storage , The university library use the newest technology of SAN constructers for building storage project , achieve storage and share of data through network .

  5. 论《普通高等学校图书馆规程》与西部高校图书馆现代化建设

    Discussion on nd the Modernization Construction of the Western University Libraries

  6. 中国民族高等学校图书馆面临信息技术革命的严峻挑战,自动化进程严重滞后。

    Library automation in universities for ethnic minorities has lagged behind .

  7. 高等学校图书馆和文献信息系统建设

    Information System Building about the Library and Document in Colleges and Universities

  8. 高等学校图书馆与学生读者的关系是一种平等的契约关系&兼谈《普通高等学校图书馆规程》立法法理上的重大缺陷

    The Relation between College Library and Student Readers Is a Contract Relation

  9. 普通高等学校图书馆用户参与式评估指标体系研究

    Research on User-Participation based Evaluation System for University Libraries

  10. 高等学校图书馆资源建设与数字资源产权保护

    University Library Resources Construction & Protection for Intellectual Property Right of Digital Resources

  11. 贵州省高等学校图书馆自动化建设历程

    Course of Automation Construction of Libraries in Colleges and Universities in Guizhou Province

  12. 高校图书室开展勤工助学活动的思考浅谈高等学校图书馆工具书室的建设

    Considerations about Developing Work-study Activity in University Library

  13. 试论高等学校图书馆目录体系

    On the bibliographical system of academic school libraries

  14. 高等学校图书馆信息资源建设策略的时效性研究

    Study on the Aging of the Strategy of Information Resource Construction in University Library

  15. 网络时代下的高等学校图书馆读者服务

    Reader Service in University Libraries in Network Age

  16. 关于我国高等学校图书馆事业发展若干问题及对策

    Some Problems in and Countermeasures for the Development of Our Country 's University Library cause

  17. 论李大钊高等学校图书馆建设的思想与实践

    Discussion about LI Dazhao 's thought and practice on the construction of the university library

  18. 高校新建分校区图书馆的建筑设计高等学校图书馆建筑设计任务书的准备

    Preparation of the introduction to the architectural design for the construction of a college library

  19. 20世纪80年代后我国《普通高等学校图书馆规程》的比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Regulation of the General Higher Academy Library since 1980s in China

  20. 高等学校图书馆学术研究工作是学校教学和科学研究工作的重要组成部分。

    The academic research work of university library is an important constituent of university teaching and research .

  21. 论文的第四部分介绍了我国高等学校图书馆用户教育的历史演进以及目前的发展现状。

    Thirdly , this dissertation discusses the development of academic library 's user education in our country .

  22. 办好高等学校图书馆对于提高教育教学质量有着密切的关系,而高等学校院系资料室又是图书馆的重要组成部分,它对于提高教育教学质量有着更为直接的关系。

    College and university library and reference room have definite connection with regard to improve education and teaching quality .

  23. 新世纪对图书馆管理人员业务水平的要求&学习《普通高等学校图书馆规程》(修订)有感

    Requirement of the Managers Business Level in the New Century & Thoughts on Studying the Common Academic Library Regulation

  24. 高等学校图书馆文献资源招标和竞价采购的利弊分析

    Inviting Public Bidding and Price Competition in purchasing Literature Resource Purchase in Colleges and Universities : Analysis of advantages and Disadvantages

  25. 高校图书馆人才队伍建设的回顾与对策&由《普通高等学校图书馆规程》(修订)谈起

    A Review on and the Strategy for Personnel Training in University Libraries & Starting our talk with Rules for University Libraries

  26. 因此制定相关政策和规划,采取切实措施推进高等学校图书馆员队伍建设,已成当务之急。

    Accordingly , corresponding policies , plans and effective measures are of top priority in improving the library staff in universities and colleges .

  27. 国家教育部于2002年2月重新修订颁发的《普通高等学校图书馆规程》,是新世纪图书馆工作的纲领性文件。

    The Rules of Librarian Common Universities issued by the Educational Department In Feb. , 2002 is the programmatic document in the library work .

  28. 以贯彻落实新《规程》为契机加快高校图书馆现代化建设步伐&谈《普通高等学校图书馆规程修订》的特征

    Expediting the Modernization of Academic Libraries under the Guidance of the New Regulations & On the Characteristics of the General Regulations for Academic Libraries Revision

  29. 本文着重阐述自动化的发展,尤其是今天网络技术普及后的自动化发展对我国高等学校图书馆建设的影响。

    This text explains the development of automation , the impact on construction of the university library , especially the network technology is popularized emphatically today .

  30. 珠江三角洲地区中小型高等学校图书馆服务模式面临的转变&珠三角地区高校图书馆现代化发展进程及我馆对策论长三角图书馆文化圈的建设与发展

    The Change of Service Pattern of the Small Academic Libraries in the Pearl River Delta On construction and development of library cultural circle in Yangtze River Delta Region