
  1. 斯坦福大学一个名为PERTS的实验室对来自100多所初高中及社区大学的15000名学生进行了干预。

    A Stanford lab called PERTS has run them with 15,000 students at more than 100 middle and high schools and community colleges .

  2. 总之,我认为新的高中对任何社区都有利。

    In conclusion , I believe that a new high school would benefit any community .

  3. 方法采用多阶段按比例随机抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法,抽取公务员、公司职员、高中生、社区居民、流动人口共计3555人,用国际体力活动量表长卷进行调查。

    Methods With proportional stratified sampling and cluster sampling method , 3555 subjects were selected including officials , company staff , high school students , community population and floating population .