
  • 网络Efficient execution
  1. 这样一来,不仅确保了大任务的高效执行,同时也照顾了小任务的执行。

    As a result , is not only is it to ensure the efficient execution of large tasks , but also it takes care of the efficient execution of small tasks .

  2. 所以,能在ARM处理器上高效执行的噪声抑制程序将会有非常广阔的市场前景。

    Efficient noise suppression programs operated on the ARM embedded processors will of vaster market values in the future .

  3. Parrot是一个旨在通过Parrotbytecode上的各种中间表示高效执行静态和动态语言的VM。

    Parrot is a VM designed to efficiently execute static and dynamic languages through a variety of intermediate representations over Parrot bytecode .

  4. 文章提供了SOR算法设计和分析,使得SOR算法能在计算机上高效执行。

    This article supplies SOR algorithm design and algorithm analysis , and enabled SOR algorithm runing high efficiency in computer .

  5. 一种高效执行并行图像旋转的新方法

    A New Method for Efficiently Implementing Parallel Image Rotations

  6. 学习自主性的提高将能促进交际法语言教学在课堂上的高效执行。

    The improvement of LA will also help the implementation of CLT in classroom .

  7. 该平具有易于扩展测试程序和高效执行测试的能力。

    The flat has easy to extend the test procedures and efficient implementation of the testing capabilities .

  8. 我们为中外客户提供设计策略,创新流程及高效执行等全方面的战略型设计管理服务。

    We provide local and international companies with consulting services on design strategy , innovation process and effective implementation .

  9. 政府的关注点是政策。政府从企业身上学到的重点是执行。高效执行。

    Emphasis in government is on policy . The emphasis that government can learn from business is implementation . Effective implementation .

  10. 为了对文档实施必要的预处理以支持查询处理算法的高效执行,本文将整个查询处理算法划分为线下的文档处理和线上的查询处理。

    For necessary preprocessing XML to support the efficient query processing , this paper divides the whole processing into offline document processing and online query processing .

  11. 管理优势:精诚一直将“打造核心团队”作为重心工作,现已拥有一支高效执行力的管理团队;

    Management advantage : We always put emphasis on " building a core team " and now we 've owned a management team of high execution .

  12. 服务网络也变得越来越复杂,为了使得服务能够在动态的、复杂多变的网络环境下高效执行,必须结合逻辑上的抽象的服务计算环境与实际网络状况,然后再进行相关的设计优化。

    To make the service computing network efficient executed in a dynamic , ever-changing and complex network environment , we optimize it by combining the abstract logical service computing environment with the actual network conditions .

  13. 他表示,他愿意未来“重返”政坛,他坚信,商界人士能够贡献“很大的力量”,特别是“高效执行”。

    He says he would " love to go back " to politics in the future and is a firm believer that business people can contribute " a lot " , notably " effective implementation " .

  14. 然后,利用这些相似标签,定义了相似查询及其相似距离,并定义了支持查询处理高效执行的三种操作。

    Then , with the help of these similar tags , this paper defines similar queries and their similar distances , and gives three operators which can support the efficient running of the query processing algorithm .

  15. 在该路径上包含了在整个流程起关键性作用的活动以及相应的时间分布,对于确保工作流计划的高效执行和提高企业的竞争力具有重要意义。

    As a result , the critical activities and their distribution of time are included in the path , it is a good preparation to guarantee workflow plan to be efficiently executed and to make enterprises more competitive .

  16. 人是企业的主体,人的思想决定了其行为,执行文化就是要通过对人的思想产生积极影响,从而改善人的行为模式使之朝着具有高效执行力的方向转变。

    Human is the main body of enterprise , and human 's thought leads action . It could make positive influence to human 's thought by execution culture , improve the mode of his conduct and turn to high execution .

  17. 一个经过良好设计的UI应当允许用户尽可能快速高效地执行任务。

    A well-designed UI should allow a user to carry out tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible .

  18. 作为新一代的对称数据加密标准,AES相对前一代数据加密标准DES具有更高效的执行效率和更好的安全性。

    As the new generation encryption standard , AES is more efficient and secure than DES .

  19. 无论您是使用这个框架,还是按照本系列提供的信息创建自己的框架,都可以更好地执行基准测试,确保Java代码能够高效地执行。

    Whether you use this framework or guided by the material I 've presented in both parts of the series create your own , you 're now better equipped to help ensure your Java code performs efficiently .

  20. 您可以设置图片的大小、文件格式、位置特征等过滤条件,以便GF能够高效的执行搜索和下载。

    You can set up the photo size , file format and location filtering features , GF efficient to be able to search and download .

  21. 现有DB2用户还可以利用CLPPlus的一些新功能和优势,这些功能使DBA能够更快速高效地执行常见任务。

    Existing DB2 users can also take advantage of some of the new features and benefits of CLPPlus that enable DBAs to perform many common tasks quickly and efficiently .

  22. 经过真实实验场景的验证,在本文提出的视觉导引方法控制下,AGV机车能够稳定的,高效的执行事先布置的任务,达到项目最初提出的要求。

    After verification of the real experiment scene , under the control of the visual guidance method proposed , AGV shows a stable and efficient implementation of the mandate of the prior arrangement , to project the initial request .

  23. 结果表明,采用这种组合的模幂运算算法具有十分高效的执行效率,4096位多精度整数的模幂计算大约需要1.5s,并可满足RSA的应用对密钥长度的安全需求。

    The result indicates that the combined algorithm carries out an efficient calculation , the elapsed time of 4 096 bits multiple-precision integers modular exponentiation is about 1.5 s , and it will be the base of applied RSA public-key cryptography used in information security .

  24. 计算机模拟实验结果表明,该算法完整、高效地执行了图像匹配,具有良好的并行计算性能。

    The computer simulation shows that the algorithm fully and efficiently executes image match .

  25. 如何合理高效地执行反垄断政策将是今后面临的重要问题。

    How to enforce anti monopoly policy efficiently is an important problem to face .

  26. 流程规范以能够高效地执行的编译形式保存。

    Process specifications are kept in a compiled form that can be executed efficiently .

  27. 两者用很少几行代码优雅而高效地执行这一服务。

    Together , they perform this service elegantly and efficiently with few lines of code .

  28. 各个实施点能够分布、高效的执行策略,实时的采集防火墙日志;

    Each PEP can distribute and perform security policy effectively , collecting firewall log real time .

  29. 分析评估企业业务流程,并对其进行优化重构对流程的高效有序执行具有重要意义。

    To analyze and improve the enterprise business process is important to its circulating of high efficiency and order .

  30. 如果您在模型中维护代码,则可以更高效地执行更多设计变更和增强。

    If you maintain the code in the model , additional design changes and enhancements are more efficient to make .