
  • 网络business sense;Commercial Awareness;commercial sense
  1. WandaMartin:“我认为他可以扭转美国局面,我相信他有我们需要的商业意识。”

    WANDA MARTIN : " I think he is the person who can turn this country around . I really do . I think he 's got the business sense that we need . "

  2. 他们利用她缺少商业意识来欺骗她。

    They took advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her .

  3. 牛津大学就业服务负责人乔纳森•布莱克(JonathanBlack)表示,海外实习经历解决了学生们关心的一个主要问题:向雇主证明自己的“商业意识”。

    Jonathan Black , director of Oxford university 's career service , says overseas internships address one of students " chief concerns : proving their " commercial awareness " to employers .

  4. 参加些会增强你商业意识的研讨会。

    Sign up for seminars that will expand your business awareness .

  5. 三言二拍中的商人与商业意识

    Merchants and Business Sense in " Sanyan Erpai "

  6. 中国企业的商业意识很强。

    Chinese companies are too commercially minded for that .

  7. 很强的处理人际关系及解决问题的能力及商业意识;

    Strong interpersonal and problem-solving skills and business sense ;

  8. 良好的商业意识,熟悉当地市场和销售渠道。

    Good business sense , good knowledge of local market and sales channel .

  9. 奥普拉的综合才艺以及商业意识使她成为美国第一位非洲裔亿万富姐。

    Her combined talents and business sense make Oprah the United States'first African-American billionaire .

  10. 那公司担心的是拥有特许经销权者明显缺乏商业意识。

    The company were concerned that the franchise holder apparently showed little business sense .

  11. 邓巴说回到她的在线评论家只是良好的商业意识。

    Dunbar says getting back to her online critics is just good business sense .

  12. 你还需要良好的商业意识。

    You also need good business sense .

  13. 这位女士有很好的商业意识。

    This woman has good business sense .

  14. 融入商业意识的财务管理

    Business Consciousness Applied to Financial Management

  15. 但伍德坚称,这座仓库体现出的良好商业意识,决不亚于其良好的环境资质。

    But Mr Wood insists this is as much about good business sense as good environmental credentials .

  16. 优秀的英语书面及口头表达能力,较强的商业意识及谈判技巧,开拓能力强;

    Good communication skill , be willing to contact with overseas customers and good customer relations control ability and market developing ability .

  17. 而论述商业意识的增强,标志着传播者成为一种专门的职业,预示着传播活动将走上一条全新的道路。

    The discussion of commercial awareness , marking the communicators to become a specialized profession , indicating that dissemination activities will embark on a new road .

  18. 一些分析师警告称,在印度制造较廉价的机器,可能最终被证明在发达市场具有破坏性,但西门子坚称,其战略具有冷静的商业意识。

    Some analysts warn that the manufacture of cheaper machines in India may eventually prove disruptive in developed markets , but Siemens insists its strategy makes cold-eyed business sense .

  19. 在这一时期进行诗歌创作的弗罗斯特不可避免地面临着市场经济浪潮汹涌澎湃、人们的商业意识浓厚、拜金主义甚嚣尘上的语境。

    Frost , who was writing poems in that period , inevitably encountered the circumstances of a market economy , coupled with a keen awareness of business and money worship .

  20. 随着外部市场环境的逐渐改善,对银行管制的松动,银行商业意识的觉醒以及中间业务、个人零售业务的兴起,我国商业银行进行营销管理具备了一定的条件。

    The control on banking loosens ; the commercial awareness of banks is waking ; and interim and individual business prosper , commercial banks in China somehow gain access to marketing management .

  21. 主持人:在中国,是否有一种与生俱来的商业意识在苏醒在等待开放,等待机会去创造?

    Host : Was there just a natural instinct for business that was there , dormant in China , waiting for it to open , waiting for their opportunity to create things ?

  22. 在将来,如果有任何唱片公司幸存,我认为他们会由专业的,懂得音乐的人,同时还需要很好的商业意识的人来运作,而不是不懂音乐的生意人。

    In the future , if there are any record companies left , I think they will be run by people with musical backgrounds and good business sense-not good business men with no musical background .

  23. 民族电影商业类型意识和类型电影的创作实践成为民族电影的宝贵财富和历史经验。

    The awareness of national film as a commercial type and the practice of film genres have become precious treasure and historical experience of Chinese national cinema .

  24. 网站起初看上去像突发奇想,但是很快商业界意识到网络作为客户、生意伙伴和内部用户相互交流的方式是多么有效。

    Websites at first seemed to be a whim , but soon businesses realized how effective the Internet could be as a way to interact with customers , business partners , and internal users .

  25. 本文以19世纪英国社会转型时期的商业与意识环境的变迁为背景,论述了《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》如何在承接现实的同时创造了自身的环境。

    This paper based on the change of the commercial and awareness of the transformation of British in 19th century , and discuss The Mill on the Floss how to face reality and create environment .

  26. 进入21世纪后,我国商业银行意识到银行卡产业蕴含的巨大商机,纷纷加大了对银行卡业务的投入力度,以期在深具潜力的国内市场占据有利位置,提升企业的综合实力。

    After the 21st century , realizing the huge opportunity in the payment card service , Commercial banks has enlarged their investment to the payment card service to hold advantage point in potential huge domestic market and to promote its comprehensive strength .

  27. 商业化写作意识差;

    Secondly , the consciousness of commercial compose is weak ;

  28. 浅谈商业公共关系意识

    Superficial Views on the Consciousness of Commercial Public Relations

  29. 保护商业秘密的意识

    Awareness of business secrets

  30. 企业要进一步树立商业秘密保护意识,在注重采取多种内部保护措施的同时,考虑与专利、版权相结合的保护方式,并以不断创新来有效防止商业秘密的侵权;

    The article points out that enterprise should establish the consciousness of protecting trade secret first . Then , it is necessary for the enterprise to take various measures to protect it .