
  • 网络business training
  1. 关于中国本土跨国企业内部跨文化商务培训的分析研究

    Critical Analysis of Cross-Cultural Business Training in Chinese Overseas Companies

  2. 他用其许多理念影响商务培训和政治。

    He influenced business training and politics with many of his ideas .

  3. 浅谈企业员工的电子商务培训

    How to train the employees for the electric commerce technology

  4. 我最近参加了一个45人的商务培训。

    I recently attended a business training for 45 people .

  5. 应用教育技术开展电子商务培训

    Develop Electronic Business Training by Applying Educational Technology

  6. 这是我们讨论商务培训与管理开发之间差异的起点。

    This is where we begin to talk about the difference between business training and management development .

  7. 尤其是全球管理措施,将为我提供了一个难得的机会了解不同文化,和掌握第一手国际商务培训问题和做法。

    Global Initiatives in Management , in particular , would offer me the rare opportunity to learn about a different culture and acquire firsthand training in international business issues and practices .

  8. 欧洲委员会的一位主要发言人说:支持中国成为世界贸易组织的成员并与之在商务培训上进行合作是欧洲企业和欧盟能促进中国利益的两个方面。

    Assisting China to become a member of the World Trade Organisation and cooperating in the field of business training are two areas where European businesses and the European Union can advance Chinese interests , says a leading spokesman for the European commission .

  9. 虽然提供共享工作空间和Wi-Fi无线网络的孵化器已不是什么新鲜事,但除此之外,GA还提供高级商务与培训课程,改变了传统创业孵化基地的模式。

    Incubators that offer shared workspace and Wi-Fi are nothing new , but GA has morphed that model by offering sophisticated courses in business and design .

  10. 您已准备充分,完全有资格成为一个专业的商务礼仪培训师。

    You will be fully prepared to launch a business and become a " Professional Trainer " in business etiquette .

  11. 这是唯一一个专注于向年轻毕业生提供多语言、技术或商务技能培训信息的欧洲招聘会。

    This is the only European recruitment fair to concentrate on giving young graduates information on training in multi-lingual , technical or business skills .

  12. 大学电子商务教育和培训的不断发展,日益引起了人们的关注。

    Discussion on electronic commerce education to undergraduates majoring in discipline of management ;

  13. 我目前仍在培训公司从事商务英语的培训项目。

    One of my projects is a business English class in the training center .

  14. 她的研究现在也被应用在商务领域的领导力培训上。

    Her ideas are now also applied to leadership in business .

  15. 中国商务职业经理人资格培训认证工作在全国展开

    Chinese Business Professional Managers and Certification Program Initiated Nationwide

  16. 提供协助并建立世界级的设施,特色包括业界最佳的商务流程和招募培训方法。

    We help you build a world-class facility featuring the best-in-class business process and recruitment / training methodologies .

  17. 现阶段,黄冈市应大力做好电子商务的宣传和培训工作。以促进黄冈新型工业化的发展。

    Thus now Huanggang should take propaganda and training work one-commerce to promote the development of new industrialization in Huanggang .

  18. 公司多次成功接待不同规模的会议、商务考察、拓展培训及团队旅游活动。

    We have successfully organized a wide range of events , including conferences , business investigating tours , outward bound activities and group tours .

  19. 商务部管理:商务部招聘、培训、管理。

    Business Department Management : Business recruiting , training and management .

  20. 电子商务模拟系统是为了配合电子商务的教学培训而设计开发的基于B/S结构的模拟实验系统。

    The Simulation System of E-Commerce is an experimental system for teaching and training of E-Commerce based on Browser / Server Structure .

  21. 如果是准备就业的学生,在对商务环境没有任何的触和了解的情况下,可以选择全面商务英语培训的课程。

    If student , who is a preparation employment , under the circumstance that have no to the business environment anily touch with understanding , can choice overall business English training of course .

  22. 电子商务的不断发展促进了企业对电子商务方面的人才需求不断增长,为此急需研究开发出适合电子商务人才培训的教学实验平台。

    The constant development of electronic commerce has promoted the demand for talent of electronic commerce of enterprise to increase constantly , so it is urgent to research and implement the teaching experiment simulation system adapting to train the talent of electronic commerce .

  23. 在英国,美国,各大经贸类院校都开设了商务课。英美的主要广播公司每天都播出商务英语教学节目:同时,在英语国家的大小城市,拥有为数众多的商务英语培训学校。

    In the Britain and the USA , the broadcast companies broadcast the programs about the business English teaching every day . There are lots of business English training schools in English speaking country , no matter big or small .